Nevine Zaki

On Twitter, Nevine Zaki is circulating an image she says she photographed Wednesday of Christians protecting Muslims during prayer.

Christians protect Muslims during prayer in Cairo's dangerous Tahrir square

On Twitter, Nevine Zaki linked to a picture she said she photographed on Wednesday of Christians protecting Muslims during their prayers in Tahrir Square. The square in Cario continues to be a scene of violence between pro- and anti-Mubarak supporters who were wielding sticks and throwing rocks. She tweeted:

Bear in mind that this pic was taken a month after z Alexandria bombing where many Christians died in vain. Yet we all stood by each other

See related video

Follow Nevine at!/NevineZaki

If you're taking pictures in Cairo, let us know and upload them here. If you're seeing other notable images from events there, you can public message @msnbc_pictures on Twitter.

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هذا هو الطبيعي فنحن أخوه مايجري في عروقنا هو دم واحد لن يفرقنا أي شئ مهما حدث مصر وطن يعيش داخلنا

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