Tweet Button

Add this button to your website to let people share content on Twitter without having to leave the page. Promote strategic Twitter accounts at the same time while driving traffic to your website.

Choose your button. Customize it (optional).

Tweet text

This is the text that people will include in their Tweet when they share from your website:

Example: Check this out!


Suggest a default Tweet for users.

This is the language that the button will render in on your website. People will see the Tweet dialog in their selected language for

Recommend people to follow (optional).

Recommend up to two Twitter accounts for users to follow after they share content from your website. These accounts could include your own, or that of a contributor or a partner.

  1. This user will be @ mentioned in the suggested Tweet

Preview your button, grab your code. Done!

Your Tweet Button will look like this.

Click on it to try it out!

Copy and paste this code into the HTML for your website wherever you want the button to appear.

Or, build your own!

Want to build a custom button for your site? Check out our developer documentation for the Sharing API to provide the same Tweet Button sharing functionality with your own style.