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EuroFinance research

Enter the mind of the treasurer

You may have heard the old adage, “Revenue is vanity; profit is sanity; cash is reality.” Treasurers lie at the heart of the new reality. Their professionalism has never been in greater demand. And their opinions and ideas have never been more sought after. That’s why EuroFinance now allows you to enter the mind of the treasurer.

Tapping into those views via surveys or face-to-face events such as roundtables or web seminars provides you with a unique opportunity to gain unparalleled knowledge of what really matters to treasury professionals around the globe.


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Unparalled reach

We don’t simply organise events. Much more than that, we support treasury thought-leadership through our own dialogue with this community: every year our specialist researchers interview more than 2,000 treasurers around the world, giving us an unmatched understanding of the challenges they face and a hotline to the people who really matter in the treasury community.

Led by our editorial director, EuroFinance Research offers the vital expert journalistic and analytic skills necessary to conduct meaningful surveys of treasurers’ views. Our unparalleled access to corporate treasurers everywhere and engagement with the treasury community puts us in a unique position to understand and communicate with the profession.
Want to know more?
Andrew Sawers, Editorial Director, +44 (0)20 7576 8502 or
Ed Virtue, Head of Global Sales, +44 (0)20 7576 8516 or


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