Feb. 9, 2011
Updated: 5:43 AM


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Smoking ban proposed for
Boston parks, beaches

The proposed ban targets the last public spaces where the public is allowed to light up. (Boston Globe)
In book, Patrick says resigning was an option

In book, Patrick says
resigning was an option

In early 2007, just weeks after taking office, Governor Deval Patrick seriously considered leaving office as his wife dealt with depression. (Globe)

Game of his life

Adrian Gonzalez gets ready for the season

Alex Gonzalez has had a passion for baseball since early childhood, and now he joins a team on which his talents should be maximized. (Boston Globe)

Lawmakers clash over abortion curbs

Republicans and Democrats disagreed sharply over a GOP effort at antiabortion measures. (Boston Globe)

US finds no fault with Toyota electronics

A 10-month study on safety problems in Toyota cars found no flaw in the vehicles' computers. (Boston Globe)

Patient influx lifts Floating Hospital

Officials say the Boston hospital for children, which seven years ago faced possible closure, is undergoing a renaissance because it charges thousands of dollars less per case than its competitors. (Boston Globe)


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Federal flair

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