Political activist Wael Ghonim is free

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AlJazeeraEnglish | February 07, 2011 | likes, 2 dislikes

Wael Ghonim, a Google executive and political activist,arrested on 25 January...

AlJazeeraEnglish | February 07, 2011 | likes, 2 dislikes

Wael Ghonim, a Google executive and political activist,arrested on 25 January by Egyptian authorities has been released.

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  • lol they arrested a Google executive and Obama calls them friends and allies?? that man has no shame

  • They want 1 thing. And 1 thing only: To PROVOKE the peaceful demonstrations. To make justification for using violence. I am afraid that my suspicions were correct. And I also fear, that the military may have sold out. That is the high ranking officers; to Suleiman. He's running the show now. I repeat, keep the demonstrations peaceful. NO VIOLENCE. The regime is hoping for 2 things: That the protesters tire; or resort to violence; so they can end it w/violence. God bless Egypt.


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  • Support to Wael + the Peaceful protesters from the usa!!! a good support video:.... CAT SUPPORTS EGYPTIAN PROTESTS

  • is like they just known what man to look for in crows of people, wow the regime of this police state is strong...I hope after a new leadership justice will be served.

  • @pinochet222 I agree and all but you have to keep in mind that he's NOT the ONLY one who is saying that besides the U.S. and Europe even Israel thinks so....which is why Mubarak needs to go

  • @pinochet222 out of curiosity, why is your screen name pinochet??

  • @Yowzoe Likewise

  • @HelmetBlissta Yes, lets. When you can't argue your point, you accuse your opponent of arrogance. Your arguments is a fuzzy-headed indictment of things you can't define. I pointed that out. Since you can't argue specifics, you, like many who would make a vague blanket condemnation of a leader, like Obama, or a whole system, like capitalism, resort to dreamy slogans. Sorry for you. Here's to living in the real world.

  • @Yowzoe Well lets just disagree, Why do you keep trying to tell me what I supposedly do or what i supposedly am. This type of discussion says more about you than anything else, it also smacks of arrogance . If you can only see a choice between capitalism or "animal farm" then I'm sorry for your lack of imagination. Here's to a better world , not just for some but for everyone.

  • @HelmetBlissta That's the problem. You're a "believer" instead of a realist. Obama is pretty transparent, and he's a different animal than the Republicans. He does his best in a toxic situation.

    History shows capitalism works better than socialism in most ways. An intelligent mix of the two is the healthiest for people.

    Unfortunately "corporative capitalism" is dominant in the world. It is responsible for the wealth gap.

    In state socialsim, some end up being "more equal" than others.

  • @Yowzoe Likwise what can I say ? I don't believe much about Obama , I know he is good at talking. Capitalism on a global level only works for those at the top of the heap. A better world is all the incentive socialism needs. I'm for equality, so socialism is the obvious choice.



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