Inside Story -Solving Egypt's economic crisis

AlJazeeraEnglish 동영상 19,007개 알림 아이콘구독신청됨
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AlJazeeraEnglish | 2011년 02월 09일 | 좋아요 개, 싫어요 0

The ongoing political crisis is leaving Egypt's economy in jeopardy. How much...

AlJazeeraEnglish | 2011년 02월 09일 | 좋아요 개, 싫어요 0

The ongoing political crisis is leaving Egypt's economy in jeopardy. How much more can the country's economy take? And what needs to be done to solve the long-running economic crisis once and for all?

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  • Egypt: Starvation, revolution and the price of Statism..­U

  • the poor economist exports they worry about the Egyptian economy future ? that's so funny what economy future this stuff doesn't relate to those in Tahrir square are you kidding me?! in the big picture most of these are the Unemployed and the people who is been used and been abused from Mubarak and been killed in jails for no reason the only one really understand Mubarak and the dogs behind him is the Egyptians it is their country and they knew it better than any economist

  • 3 Billion is nothing_ compared to Obama's 12 Trillion to US Banks last year!!!

    1 Billion X 1 Thousand = 1 Trillion

  • Somehow the story seem's to be being 'quieted'? Thank you for keeping it moving.....

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