The Wall Street Journal Tablet Edition

  • Experience The Wall Street Journal's award winning coverage, blending the best of print and online.

    Touch the stories that matter to you most, get latest news updates and market data throughout the day, and save your favorite articles and sections for later.

    Access What's News, Market Data, Video, Customized Watchlist, Greater New York, Personal Journal, WSJ Weekend, WSJ. Magazine and much more!

  • Subscribe and get more!

    • Subscriber only content: Business, Markets, Opinion and more
    • 7 day archive downloaded for reading anytime, even offline
    • Saved articles for later reading
    • Expanded international coverage through new Europe and Asia editions (iPad only, coming to Android tablets soon)
    • Continuously updated news in the "NOW" edition (iPad only, coming to Android tablets soon.)
  • Help & Support:

    Have a problem or suggestion? Send us an email about feature requests, bug reports, or general help or questions.

  • Frequently Asked Questions:

    • How does free registration differ from subscriber access?

      Registration gives you access to free articles and basic functionality. As a paid subscriber to the WSJ Tablet Edition you get full access to all articles and functionality, including core business and financial news coverage, a 7-day archive for reading anytime, even offline, and the ability to save articles for later reading.

    • How do I register?

      From the WSJ Tablet Edition, you can register for free directly from the application welcome screen. Alternatively, you can register on

    • I have registered, but I get a "Confirm Email" message when attempting to log into the Mobile Reader application?

      The message you received is a reminder that in order to log into the WSJ Tablet Edition, you'll first need to validate your email address. To do so, simply click or tap on the link included in the validation email we sent to you when you registered for the WSJ Tablet Edition.

    • How long are my user ID and password credentials stored?

      For the WSJ Tablet Edition, you only need to sign in with your user ID and password once, and then your credentials will be saved until you sign out. If you're a subscriber, your credentials will be periodically verified. If your access expires, you'll revert to free registered access.

    • I have forgotten my WSJ password. How do I reset or change my password?

      If you have forgotten your WSJ password, click or tap the 'Forgot Password' link on the Login page and follow the instructions for entering the email address associated with your WSJ account. We'll e-mail you a link to a page where you can create a new password.

    • How do I change my WSJ user ID?

      Please contact WSJ customer support via email or by phone to request changes to your WSJ account information. You can email at or call us at 1-877-975-2897.

    • Where can I find payment history, expiration date, and billing information for my WSJ account?

      Please contact WSJ customer support via email or by phone to receive an account status of your WSJ subscription. You can email at or call us at 1-877-975-2897.

    • How do I log out?

      After you log into your account, you can easily log off by navigating to the Home Screen, and tapping on the 'Logout' link in the bottom right hand corner.

    • What content is available on the WSJ Tablet Edition?

      The WSJ Tablet Edition provides a new way to experience the Journal's award winning coverage, blending the best of print and online. Archived issues will include all of the articles published in that day's print paper. The "Now" edition will continually update throughout the day with the latest top stories from (currently available for iPad only, coming soon for Android).

    • How do I subscribe?

      Tap on the 'Subscribe' link on the bottom left hand corner of the app.

    • The application is slow?

      You may experience application slowness while using the service when your device has limited or no connectivity to the data network. To resolve the issue, change your location.

    • I cannot play a video?

      Video cannot be played without a network connection.

    • I get the message "Please Update Your App" when attempting to open issues from the Start Screen?

      Some app version updates will require upgrade in order to deliver substantial improvements to the app. When you receive a "Please Update Your App" message, please tap the Download button. You will be taken to the App Store. Navigate to the Updates tab and find WSJ in the list of updates - please tap the button to upgrade WSJ to the latest version. You will then be able to open all issues and enjoy the latest app improvements.

    • How do I get to the Start Screen to access back issues or the Now edition?

      You can easily navigate to the Start Screen from the sections navigation or by using a pinch gesture. The Start Screen presents the last week's worth of back issues and the "Now" edition (currently available for iPad only, coming soon for Android), which offers the latest breaking news and top stories throughout the day.

  • Already a WSJ subscriber? Get full access to the WSJ Tablet Edition for a limited time.

    To get started, download the app from the iTunes® App Store or the Android Market.

    Once downloaded, log in to the app with your WSJ username and password. No login? Call 877.975.2897.

    iPad™ and iTunes® are trademarks of Apple Inc.