Feb. 10, 2011
Updated: 1:19 PM


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Egypt army steps in, sign Mubarak has lost power

Egypt's military says it has stepped in and protesters' demands will be met, while the CIA's chief said it is likely President Mubarak will step down. (AP, 12:31 p.m.)

Ranking the Red Sox 25 to 1

Ranking the Red Sox 25 to 1
Chad Finn ranks the 2011 roster player by player, based on each players' importance to the team's success.

Forecasters: Snow melt ahead for area

The abnormally cold weather system that hit the region this week will fade away on Saturday, setting the stage for gradual ice-melting conditions. (Globe, 12:02 p.m.)

Plans encourage low-cost hospital use

Hundreds of businesses in the state have signed up for a health insurance plan that penalizes employees for seeking care at more expensive hospitals. (Boston Globe)
NY Rep. resigns after photo surfaces
Rep. Christopher Lee offered only a vague explanation of regret after the gossip website Gawker reported that he sent a shirtless photo of himself to a woman that he met on the website Craigslist. (AP, 8:11 a.m.)

Man defends $4,800 shoveling charge
as details emerge of similar incidents

Kevin Snow of Salisbury and members of his family have been accused of overcharging customers for work in other states, including California. (Boston Globe)


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