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Technicolor to open new film lab in Glendale

Technicolor Inc., the Hollywood film processing and post-production company, is building a new film lab in Glendale.

The 40,000-square-foot facility, adjacent to DreamWorks Animation on Flower Street, is set to open this summer.Technicolor_logo_medium

It will replace a much larger lab at Universal Studios that is shutting down in June. Technicolor had lost its contract with Universal to rival Deluxe and said the rapid acceleration of digital cinema had weakened demand for film processing. The company also processes film prints in the Montreal suburb of Mirabel.

About 100 of the 360 workers laid off as a result of the closure will be rehired to work at the Glendale lab, Technicolor executives said.

In addition to offering such services as processing film negatives and color correction, the lab will focus on developing 70mm film prints, which are in strong demand thanks to popularity of IMAX and other big- screen formats.

-- Richard Verrier


Technicolor shows its creative side

Technicolor dreams of a bright future in digital cinema


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Comments (7)

That's great news, technicolor has always been a great post-production company!!..


I don't know what's so great about 260 people losing their jobs. Technicolor is a foreign corporation (French) and there are a lot of things that aren't so great about them. They lay off gobs of people and their stock still stinks!

With most of today's movies being shot with the blue tint effect, I'm surprised there would be any business with Technicolor in its name.

Shooting a movie in full color requires great skill; something obviously lacking in the current crop of directors.

I worked at this company's North Hollywood location from 2002-2006 and this must be the most incompetent management team of any company in the U.S. The quality of their work is terrible -- any movie studio that would trust their film to them must have rocks for brains. I'm sure it will end up going out of business just like all their other ventures.

I work for Technicolor and the "management" is the worse I've seen in over 25 years in the business! Most people that work for them are miserable (unless you are one of the grossly overpaid "managers"). They screwed their investors out of billions through credit default swaps and bankruptcies. After seeing first hand how the "management" works, it's a miracle they are still in business. They will have to operate this new lab at a loss just to keep their clients from bailing to Deluxe for all their post work. But operating at a loss is their specialty.

Terrible mismanaged Post house...They deserve to be beat out by deluxe. Deluxe doesn't use it's employees and toss them out like garbage. Technicolor is now using robots to run their dubs @ the Glendale facility. What a Joke


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