Obama budget includes spending cuts; White House says GOP reductions unwise

Obama budget includes spending cuts; White House says GOP reductions unwise

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration will propose a new budget that will reduce the federal deficit by $1.1 trillion in 10 years by...

Boehner credits Obama for handling of Egypt crisis

Boehner credits Obama for handling of Egypt crisis

House Speaker John A. Boehner said Sunday he thought the Obama administration handled "a very difficult situation" in Egypt about as well as...

John Boehner: 'Not my job' to convince skeptics on Obama birth, religion

John Boehner: 'Not my job' to convince skeptics on Obama birth, religion

WASHINGTON -- Speaker John Boehner said Sunday that he believed President Obama was a U.S. citizen and a Christian but that it wasn't up...

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The drug war at our doorstep.
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Foreign entanglements

Foreign entanglements

For 18 days, Egyptians sent a single, clear, powerful message from...

Stick a fork in it, we're done

Stick a fork in it, we're done

After about a month in control of the House of Representatives,...

Targeting Muslims

Targeting Muslims

Next month, Rep. Peter T. King (R-N.Y.), the chairman of the House...

Chipping away abortion rights

Chipping away abortion rights

Abortion-rights supporters breathed a sigh of relief last week when...

Egypt military dissolves parliament, suspends constitution

Egypt military dissolves parliament, suspends constitution

A 'living virgin goddess' comes down to earth in Nepal

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Longtime Japanese-Russian feud over islands reaches new diplomatic low

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'Tea party' litmus tests pull Republicans to right

'Tea party' litmus tests pull Republicans to right

"Tea party" sentiment is pulling the Republican presidential contest to the right as would-be candidates appeal for support from the GOP's...

Community development funding poses dilemma for Republicans

Community development funding poses dilemma for Republicans

Congressman Howard "Buck" McKeon is in a tough spot.

Reports of air traffic controller mistakes rise sharply

Reports of air traffic controller mistakes rise sharply

In a time of unparalleled aviation safety in the United States, reports of mistakes by air traffic controllers have nearly doubled -- a...

New York man in custody, accused in stabbing deaths

New York man in custody, accused in stabbing deaths

A 23-year-old man is in custody after police say he fatally stabbed three people and killed a pedestrian after hijacking a car.

FDA approves first 3-D mammography device

FDA approves first 3-D mammography device

The Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved the first X-ray mammography device that provides three-dimensional images of the...

NASA spacecraft due for rendezvous with comet Tempel 1

NASA spacecraft due for rendezvous with comet Tempel 1

It's not exactly young love, but some might find it romantic. On Valentine's Day, an aging Lothario that has been flitting from beauty to...

Across the U.S., a winter of collapsing roofs

Across the U.S., a winter of collapsing roofs

The first time it may have been a meteor. This time it was too much snow piled on a metal roof that took out the dinosaurs of Long Island....

Ruling against health insurance mandate is a 'tea party' milestone

Ruling against health insurance mandate is a 'tea party' milestone

For nearly two years, the "tea party" movement with its call for limited government has made inroads in the political arena, but a Florida...

Arizona Republican Sen. Jon Kyl won't run for reelection

Arizona Republican Sen. Jon Kyl won't run for reelection

Sen. Jon Kyl, the second-highest ranking Republican in the U.S. Senate, announced Thursday that he will not run for reelection, setting...

House Republicans see timely target in Planned Parenthood

House Republicans see timely target in Planned Parenthood

In their rush to slash the federal budget, House Republicans are taking aim at Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest provider of...

Donald Trump will decide on presidential bid by June

Donald Trump will decide on presidential bid by June

It isn't easy to upstage Michele Bachmann and Newt Gingrich before a crowd of conservatives, but Donald Trump managed to pull it off.

Chandra Levy's killer sentenced to 60 years in prison

Chandra Levy's killer sentenced to 60 years in prison

WASHINGTON — The man convicted of killing former Washington intern Chandra Levy nearly a decade ago was sentenced Friday to 60 years...

Obama administration proposes new planning rule for national forests

Federal supervisors would have to run the country's national forests to maintain ecological health and species diversity under a proposed...

Conference to serve as preview of 'tea party' influence in 2012

Conference to serve as preview of 'tea party' influence in 2012

A dozen potential GOP presidential candidates will address the nation's largest annual conservative gathering this week, opening a window...

Rep. Christopher Lee resigns over flirtatious e-mails

Rep. Christopher Lee resigns over flirtatious e-mails

Rep. Christopher Lee, a second-term Republican lawmaker representing western New York, abruptly resigned Wednesday after flirtatious e-...

U.S. terrorism threat at 'heightened' state

U.S. terrorism threat at 'heightened' state

Senior Homeland Security Department officials warned Wednesday that the threat to the United States is the highest it has been since the...

Historic U.S. naval vessels to get renewal

Historic U.S. naval vessels to get renewal

Out of the water for the first time since 1998, the 1854 sloop of war Constellation looked pretty good to its caretakers as they walked...

House Republicans' spending cuts fall short of goal

House Republicans' spending cuts fall short of goal

House Republican leaders unveiled a wide swath of spending cuts Wednesday but fell short of GOP promises to slice $100 billion, creating a...