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Jogger struck and killed while rescuing dog

A jogger was struck and killed in Laguna Niguel on Sunday morning when she tried to protect a dog that had wandered into traffic, an Orange County sheriff's official said.

The woman was jogging about 11 a.m. when she saw the dog darting into traffic and stopped to grab it, according to sheriff's Lt. Ted Boyne. She was kneeling with it on the corner of Molton Parkway and Nueva Vista Drive when two cars collided nearby. At least one of the cars ran onto the sidewalk, striking the jogger, Boyne said. She was declared dead at the scene.

All three occupants of the two cars were treated at a nearby hospital, none for life-threatening injuries. Boyne said the driver of one car, a 59-year-old man, was treated for a bruised leg, and his passenger, a 56-year-old woman, suffered a broken collarbone. A 27-year-old man in the other car had bumps and bruises.

The cause of the collision remains under investigation. Boyne said it appears that the dog had nothing to do with it. It was gone when emergency crews arrived.

The identities of those involved were not immediately released.


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Comments (20)

Is the dog OK? Please keep us informed with more details.

Lady, we may never find out who you are.
But I thank you nonetheless, and will say a prayer for you.
Your life's last moments were spent defending the life of a helpless dog.
You are a HERO, an ANGEL, in my book. Thank you.

May we all be so fortunate as to go out the way you did.

I'm so sorry that this kind woman died in such a tragic, freak way. RIP.

I love dogs and all, but if it was my life or the dogs it's a no brainer. No human life is worth the life of a dog.

No animal is worth the life of a human.

That asides, the accident had nothing to do with the dog being pulled out of traffic. So whats up with the headline?

Fernando: Please reread the article. It clearly states that the woman was on the sidewalk, not in the middle of the street! Please read an article carefully before posting useless and unnecessary dribble.

no good deed goes unpunished, case in point.
hope this nice lady is not leaving young children behind.

Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
We're alive one moment; dead the next.
I'm sorry for all involved.

RIP to this kind hearted woman. She was on the sidewalk when hit, what a tragedy.

I avoided squirrels, cats, cell phone drivers/texters and other idiot people darting into traffic suddenly without one incident.

I suggest that we revamp tests at the DMV to test the competency of a persons judgement and motor skills. Those that commit bad judgement thereafter, on the road, should be subject to extreme high fines, mandatory prison time, and lifetime suspension of driving privileges.

I don't care if your 16 or 90 years old. If you do something stupid or have no ability to operate a 3000lb vehicle with responsibility no license should be issued.

Bless her heart. She's a hero.

Rest in peace, dear lady.

And for those that say she should not have done anything, the outcome might've been the same anyway. A car swerving to avoid the unrestrained dog could've just as easily ran over her on the sidewalk.

Im sorry for the family of this brave woman. RIP and thank you for being a good person.

Find the animal's owner.

Ticket them.

Sue them.

This is why there is a leash law.

She was with her 13yr old, son who saw her die. She also has a wonderful husband and 15 yr. old daughter. Our prayers go out to her whole family.

people, when you see an animal or person in need of help most of the time you don't stop to think if you're personally in danger. (if you're the to-the-rescue type person, i know some of you might not be.... fernando.)

i'm so sorry she died trying to help the dog. i'd like to know if it was in vain too. is the dog okay?

RIP kind lady. i'm sorry you died doing a good deed.

Our prayers are with you and your family, Mara...

"No animal is worth the life of a human." --- That depends on the human. Condolences to Mara's family. Rest in peace.

This sounds like it was just and unfortunate freak accident that had nothing to do with the dog! With that being said, I would not swerve to avoid hitting any animal!! That's right people! If your cat or dog is on the street, then expect to have it run over!

What a tragic shame this Good Samaritan was killed. Surely she was an angel here on earth. My heart breaks for her and her family.

It's bad enough when animals themselves are in danger because they run loose -- compounded when traffic accidents occur as a result. Important we make sure our fences, gates and doors keep our pets safely at home. We owe that to our animals and others who would step in to protect them.


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