
Strange workout videos that will help you shed pounds, stretch your face

February 10, 2011|By Jon Burstein, Sun Sentinel

It's February and that means there's a few less people in the gym than there were a couple weeks ago.

The New Year's resolution of exercising more always begins with such good intentions and usually ends back on the couch watching Two and a Half Men reruns.

So to inspire some of you to renew your resolutions, here are some awe-inspiring exercise videos we have compiled for you:

No collection of strange and often-disturbing videos would be complete without the King of workout videos, Richard Simmons.

Here he is partying off the pounds.


Here's an exercise video featuring a poodle woman.

While everyone wants six-pack abs before this summer, don't forget a Face of Steel to match.

Yogie Okey Dokie's Yoga Farm — a yoga video for kids. It features an easy-going David Carridine look-alike in acid-wash jeans, a man in a creepy rooster costume and a cow that demands you breath properly.

And finally, don't forget that while you are busy doing poodle curls, don't forget to laugh. Here's a video from the Laughter Yoga Institute, yes there is a Laughter Yoga Institute.

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