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  • February 16, 2011
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Iranian Govt. Calls for Friday Rally to Show 'Hatred' for Opposition

A pro-government Iranian holds a poster of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during the funeral ceremony of Sane Jaleh, a student who was killed during Monday's clashes, in Tehran, Iran, February 16, 2011
Photo: AP

A pro-government Iranian holds a poster of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during the funeral ceremony of Sane Jaleh, a student who was killed during Monday's clashes, in Tehran, Iran, February 16, 2011

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Iran's clerical establishment has called for a major rally in Tehran on Friday, to express what it calls its "hatred" of reformists who organized a day of major anti-government protests earlier this week.

In a statement Wednesday, Iran's Islamic Propagation Coordination Council urged Tehran residents to join the rally after Friday prayers to show anger at what it calls the "crimes" of "seditionist" leaders and their rebel allies.

Iranian conservative lawmakers have accused reformist leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi of sedition for organizing anti-governments protests that drew thousands of people to the streets of Tehran and other cities Monday. Sedition is a crime punishable by death in Iran.

Iran's chief prosecutor Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei said Wednesday he supports calls for the two reformists to be punished.

The opposition leaders issued defiant statements Wednesday, with Karroubi saying he is willing to "pay any price" for his country, while Mousavi called the demonstrations a "great achievement." They had called the protests to show solidarity with recent uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia against authoritarian rulers.

Monday's demonstrations were the biggest in Iran since 2009, when Mousavi and Karroubi led much bigger rallies against the disputed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that year. Mr. Ahmadinejad ridiculed the protest organizers Tuesday, saying they will not achieve their goals.

Iranians take part in the funeral of Sanee Zhaleh, a student who was shot dead during an opposition rally on in Tehran, February 16, 2011
Iranians take part in the funeral of Sanee Zhaleh, a student who was shot dead during an opposition rally on in Tehran, February 16, 2011

Iranian authorities say two people were killed in Tehran Monday as police dispersed the protesters. One of the dead was a Tehran University student whom authorities identified as a government-allied Basij militiaman. But opposition activists say the student, Sanee Zhaleh, came from their ranks.

Iranian state television says a memorial ceremony for Zhaleh at Tehran University erupted into fighting between opposition activists and government loyalists. It says the government loyalists forced the opposition activists to leave Wednesday's ceremony by chanting slogans calling for the death of seditionists.  

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has praised the revolts in Egypt and Tunisia as an Islamic awakening, akin to the 1979 revolution that ousted Iran's U.S.-backed shah.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.

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Comments (63)

16-02-2011 hamad part 1 of 4 (oman)

Iranians have the right to form peaceful demonstrations but it should be without any foreign interference or sedition . If Iranians have enough determinations , they can pursue their demands without advices of foreign countries . The problem is that the US and its alliance give us impression that they are ready to instigate unrest in Iran not for Iranian freedom but to fulfill their aims and gain their whims .

16-02-2011 hamad part 2 of 4 (oman)

Earlier announcement of the US officials imply that they are ready to support Iranian protesters in order to topple the Iranian regime regardless of freedom , democracy or even humanity . Do not tell me that Iranian regime is tougher than Egyptian regime which has been sustained strongly by the US and Israel because it is unacceptable plea .

16-02-2011 hamad part 3 of 4 (oman)

Who is trying to play on attitude of military and exploit media to impose his ambitions , that won t wash unless Iranians believe about their aims and rights . Let people determine their destiny by themselves . Moreover , Iranian government has bad relation with the US and Israel which give it kind of support from Iranians . In contrary . Mubarak regime has good relation with Israel at expenses of Egyptians rights .

16-02-2011 hamad part 4 of 4 (oman)

For instance , Egyptians gas has been sold cheaply to Israel under the benefits between governments which rage wide layer of Egyptians who have been suffering from tough lives and severe regime . Indonesia revolution case is different form Egypt case because it has not neighbor as Israel otherwise the formula would be changed radically .


If peoples cannot even unite in the death of a fellow soul, what hope is there for you in life? Allah has taught you better than this. The violence and anger is a shame. Your future lies in standing together. Your enemy is the government that seeks not to unite but divide the people. They want you weak; truly wicked deeds -- .for the sake of their own power. They have lost faith in Allah and Allah’s will. Stand strong iran.

16-02-2011 Ariely (Israel)

Obama-if you want to help Iranian people **act**. Talking is not sufficient. Take care that the multimedia is open for Iranians. Demand the global companies that provide Iran communication infrastructure to stop helping the Islamist Theocrats to block the Internet- the Cellular-and the phone services to block the services. Without their technical know haw support the services cannot be blocked. Impose sanctions on companies helping the Islamist Theocrats

16-02-2011 (USA)

The Iranian gov't will blame any and all internal conflicts on the US. They support free protest and use lethal force on their own peaceful protesters. The world won't let this slide by so easily this time. Iran has been caught with it's pants down.


One morning I will wake up and find that Iran no longer exists. That will be one happy day. If they believe that the West wants any part of that sweaty hole they are sadly mistaken. We will give them all the Allah they want. In person.


Always blaming the US for all your typical

16-02-2011 David Stark (US)

As a human being who cares about others, I pray to the same god and care for the oppressed. If ever a government has lost faith it is that of Iran. Twisting words to justify the killing of it's own people is evil. It is the deceit of words that has Iranians not trusting other countries. I do not think Persians living in Israel or the US are treated badly by those governments. That cannot be said of their own.

16-02-2011 lincolnthinking (United States of America)

i agree with the report that the USA is taking advantage of the protest turmoil in the Middle East. So, what is the Iranian Parliament doing to advance social life and common personal liberties in Iran?

16-02-2011 DEF (USA)

The problem with society in the entire Islamic world is an inability to stand up not for themselves, but for others. The West, even during times of great injustice such as slavery, produces truly altruistic individuals who stand up for the rights of others. There were the many white abolitionists and civil rights activists who risked their lives, as well as the many black, white, Christian, and Jewish people who continue to stand up for eachother and even for the Muslims in the US and Europe.

16-02-2011 Victor Purinton (US)

To the Iranian regime, any talk of democracy coming from outside their borders is interference. The Iranian people don't need anyone's help. They'll do what the Egyptians did. The common theme in all of these protests is the desire for democracy, and it's a beautiful thing.

16-02-2011 DEF (USA)

Where are the Muslims standing up to defend the rights of Christians or Jews in Islamic countries? Until they produce such people in their societies, they will never produce a stable democracy.


the revolutionary guards will shoot and kill freedom loving iranians,then the government will blame western intervention for what happened. khamenei praised the egyrtians for bringing down mubarak,but back in his mind it says don't do that in my backyard. what a hypocrite.

16-02-2011 SC. Charlie (United States)

My prayers are with the Iranian protesters. It is up to them. Sadly, the Iranian government will resort to violence to suppress the people. They will use any ruse to justify their deplorable/violent actions.


Stand together as guardians of freewill; the origin of our freedoms; may our freedoms find safe harbor in democracy; let democracy shelter in the house of the republic. All others can bow down or start running. May Allah guide and protect the peaceful peoples of Iran. It’s your future awaken and take it.

16-02-2011 Tizab (UK /Iran)

In my view this is a trap set by America for Iran to say that they approved of the uprising in Egypt, only to contradict themselves when the disorderly fire caught at their own door. Sedition is deeper than he thinks.

16-02-2011 Mr Pradip Swarnakar (India)

It's a blow from within to the hesitated Iranian govt. officials! The conspiracy or any sort of anti govt. activities from abroad,can be handled skillfully but it's very hard tackling own people's protests. Ousting of the present govt. is likely and future prosecution of officials might not be ignored in case of failing showing satisfactory cause. Does it mean forthcoming fate to the guilties?

16-02-2011 Someonewhocares (US)

Mr. Obama needs to do more than just talk. He needs to show actions. Molahs are bunch of murdurers who have no mercy not even to their own people. US needs to help from inside Iran to help the young Iranian Freedom Lovers. Talk to the dictators will do no good. They will kill as many as it takes to survive.

16-02-2011 Tizab (UK /Iran)

In my view this is a trap set by America for Iran to say that they approved of the uprising in Egypt, only to contradict themselves when the disorderly fire caught at their own door. Sedition is deeper than he thinks.

16-02-2011 Cả Thộn (Hà Nội)

The difference between religions has its own huge problems.Should we pour more gas into flame by keep talking about religions side by side with people revolts?

16-02-2011 SJP (USA)

How convenient for the Iranian Government to literally "Kill" the opposition until there isn't any left . What hatred and contempt the Iranian government has for the people of it's nation ! The cry for reform reverberates throughout the Middle-East . The high cost of freedom is always paid with blood and the people don't mind paying it for the sake of it's future generation . NO to tyranny!!

16-02-2011 Ron (USA)

Do not believe that the hypocrits in Washington D.C. speak for all of the American people. Most Americans would be happy if this country stayed out of the afairs of other nations and paid more attention to the problems closer to home.

16-02-2011 Randster (United States)

"shine and achieve its peak." I wonder how Ahmadinejad expects Iran to shine when it is led by darkness.

16-02-2011 Rick (USA)

Powerful central governments seem to always corrupt and treat their citizens very badly. Democracy by itself is not the answer. Look at the US. We are losing our freedoms left and right. We are not much better off then Egypt or Iran. Sometimes I think our government is directly controlled by Israel. Maybe it's time for americans to get out their signs and start protesting corrupt governemnts and supporting the freedom lovers in Iran.

16-02-2011 Observer (US)

Only the government of Iran could sponsor a "Hatred" rally. What a ludicrous regime.

16-02-2011 it is not safe to be known

Every generation has hypocrites. Allah says that circumstances will arise and the hypocrties will show themselves. It is a test of your faith to oppose them. Egypt has exposed the leaders of Iran as the hypocrites of our time.

16-02-2011 William Fraser (The Earth)

Freedom of expression is one of man's inalienable rights. No religion(Islam,Christianity or others) can tell a man what he believes. Freedom of religion is one of man's inalienable rights. The theocracy ruling Iran is different from the Shah's rule only by its rhetoric, not by its methods, which are cruel, insensitive and ignorant. . Ali and Ahmindinejad are nothing more than Nazi's in Islamic clothing who have usurped religion for their own ends.

16-02-2011 William Fraser (The Earth)

Freedom of expression is one of man's inalienable rights. No religion(Islam,Christianity or others) can tell a man what he believes. Freedom of religion is one of man's inalienable rights. The theocracy ruling Iran is different from the Shah's rule only by its rhetoric, not by its methods, which are cruel, insensitive and ignorant. . Ali and Ahmindinejad are nothing more than Nazi's in Islamic clothing who have usurped religion for their own ends.

16-02-2011 ronin (CANADA)

Iran's gov't sounds like FoxNews.

16-02-2011 Seer (USA)

Those in power will always call protests against their rule "sedition"... it's a tired, old tactic. It doesn't convince the people in the country or outside it that this is true. What happened in Egypt was unique in that Christians and Moslems of all classes were united in their goal to get rid of Mubarak. However, in Iran, the government can still use religion to divide the people and blind them to its totalitarian ways.

16-02-2011 Gary (USA)

Sheiks, Ayatollas, Kings, Presidents, etc. will ALWAYS lose the battle of suppressing human freedoms in the long run. Thank God for the power of the Internet and mass communication. Sorry, world dictators, your time is at hand. North Korea can try to keep their population in the dark as long as they can. Eventually that country will revolt as well. Here's to a free Iran!

16-02-2011 JIm (USA)

How about, for once, staying out of other countries business.

16-02-2011 John (USA)

This is a desparate move by a scared regime. They know very well that if free elections were to take place in Iran every one of them would be out the door.

16-02-2011 Duke Nukem (USfrigginA)

Send these Iranian dictators a nice "uranium enriched" going away present. Hope the people are better than their current leaders.

16-02-2011 Roico (Austria)

This is my message to all those who compare the Mubara regime to the iranian Govt: Mubarak could not even mobilise a few thousand people to demonstrate for him, in spite of all the help he gets from his masters amerika and Israel.That's because he has no popular base. The iranian Govt is able at any time to mobilise hundreds of thousands in Teheran only. How can you instigate a "revolution" against such a Govt. The same applies to Chavez's Venezuela. Stop your lies!

16-02-2011 PLT (Switzerland)

>>Tizab (UK /Iran)>> You are so typical of the Iranian regime. Always blame the US for Iranian tyranny!

16-02-2011 SJP (USA)

I can't believe the insensitivity of some USA citizens to be callous enough not to care about other human beings ! This is neither about Obama, religion or nationality . It is about human rights! (or the lack thereof ) .To NOT support other human beings in the search for what we already have in this country is appalling . We are all children of the same creator . Whether anyone believes it or not is neither here nor there. LOVE ...not Hate !


Iran's government is fanatically anti-US, so nosense blaming us except for the inaction and submissiveness of our president. Unlike his reaction to the Egyptian situation, he's been out of the room when called upon to support the Iranian protestors. The media is just as complicit. Their message seems to be, "We'll tolerate Islamic fascists as long as they hate the same things we do, including Israel and anything Christian."

16-02-2011 Mike (USA)

If you are not prepared for violence then you shouldn't bother starting a revolution. Go open a history book and tell me about all the successful revolutions that did not involve the KILLING of those responsible for the conditions. The people of Iran will have to overrun their government building and literally KILL their oppressors. Otherwise they might as well stay in their apartments smoking their hookas or whatever.

16-02-2011 Joe Putman (USA)

The reason Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has praised the revolts in Egypt and Tunisia as an Islamic awakening is because he is terrified that the youth in his own country will rise up. By spinning the Egyption and Tunisian revolts as Islamic revolts he feels he can hide from Iranian citizens the truth of the matter.

16-02-2011 hhkeller (USA)

We have our religious nuts Iran seems to have a boat load of religious nut. That's their problem. Let them duke it out in the streets.

16-02-2011 Rustam (USA)

All dictatorships in the Arab world have been propped-up by Western powers at some point in time. Toppling them is a matter of will by the people. Iran did this in 1979. This time around is a whole new ball-game. The hierarchy of the Iranian system has no safe haven to run to. It must therefore by definition be a bloody revolution.

16-02-2011 Joseph Zrnchik (U.S.)

Didn't we hate Saddam enough to prevent medicine from getting to children that caused the death of 500,000 children who would have lived if they were given simple antibiotics? Didn't we hate Iranians when we gave Saddam WMDs in the form of chemical weapons to kill 600,000 Iranians in an aggressive and illegal war supported by the U.S.?

16-02-2011 James (U.S.)

The people of Iran will not win by demonstrations alone. That only works if the Govt actually cares what the people think. No, look closely at the Muslim Sect the monkey faced Ahmadinejad belongs to, and then you will see that only armed revolt can topple the Iranian Regime.

16-02-2011 brett (usa)

Obama's Position - I support opposition 100% unless they lose - then I never supported them.

16-02-2011 Mirame (USA)

The theme in all of the protests going on in the Middle East now is that the youth are angry at the lack of opportunity to advance, to live their lives well, access to good jobs, their lack of freedom. They are united despite differences in their religious outlooks or political beliefs. Although Iran may repress the young now, eventually the young will prevail and change the system. In Egypt, so far the change has been relatively bloodless. Sadly, it seems in Iran, this will not be the case.

16-02-2011 JD (USA)

Sooner or later, many millions of oppressed Iranians will finally risk it all to take back their country from the Islamic fundamentalists. It will ultimately be bloody and many Iranians will die to achieve their freedom from religious tyranny. This is the only way to remove the mortal cancer spread by Khomeini.


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is evil. This regime is evil and they are afraid. They are afraid of change. This bloodthirsty regime will vanish and they will pay for their crime, they will pay for killing our people.

16-02-2011 (USA)

I agree we should stay out of it. The US is always giving money to other countries and we get nothing in return. I say we don't give any foreign aid for a year. That money can pay down our National debt and create jobs. Let those crazies in the middle east kill each other. The only problem with that is the Muslim breed like fleas, after a few years the will be knocking on our door. I say take them down! I'm tired of helping all these 3rd world countries and then the spit in our face.

16-02-2011 Don (USA)

The Iranian strategy of shooting protesters and hanging their leaders has been working for them so far, don't expect it to change. Mubarak and the Egyptian Army stopped short of full war with their people, to their credit. The Iranian dictatorship saw what happened and will continue to go all-in for repression. God help the Iranian people.

16-02-2011 Dwight (USA)

Iranian's are the only ones who can stand and fight for their individual freedom. We as American's can support them with pressure from Washington, the U.N., and other Middle Eastern countries. It's important to take the opportunity and change the direction of Iran's nuclear ambition. It’s a matter of not only our national security rather that of the entire world.

16-02-2011 (USA)

America is not a Policeman. America is not a Judge. America is hopeful that any citizens living under tyranny can free themselves. The Middle East does not trust us, and any involvement by us just taints the revolution that has to be owned by the people revolting.

16-02-2011 Brooks (USA)

It's time for the Iranian government to stop blaming the US every time its people rise up and want democracy. People are rising up in Iran because they can't express their opinions without the government beating them up! If they keep this up, they'll have an insurgency.

16-02-2011 Tom Mariner (USA)

Memo to the Iranian Government -- If you stage a gathering, it is not a "Rally", it is government workers reporting for work. And counts the same as if they had stayed on the job and phoned in their pseudo protest. What I don't understand is how the real opposition members don't just kill themselves because you think they should be dead. Oh wait, this is not Egypt -- there they were protesting a dictatorship who would make them disappear if they disagreed with the government.

16-02-2011 Mo (France)

Anyone blaming US or Israel will reveal their ignorance and brutality. All humans want to be heard, all people want representation and no one wants to be arrested for laws made up by religious fundamentalists.

16-02-2011 Dee (USA)

There are many people in the USA who fervently hope that the governments in the Middle East become more humanitarian. Many of us don't care if a government is religious backed or not -- that is the sovereign country's business. What we want is peace and happiness for all mankind, and a chance for any man, woman or child to dream of a future and have the freedom to make that future happen for themselves. That is all we can hope for in the name of freedom.

16-02-2011 Big Daddy (USA)

The Iranian regime is utterly criminal in its contenpt for and violence against its own people. It is time for the US to come to the aid of the people of Iran. The US should supply all aid and comfort it can to the brave Iranians fighting for their freedom. Down with the Mullahs.

16-02-2011 Wayne (USA)

So the clerics preach "hatred" toward any opposing view! Islam the religion of PEACE?

16-02-2011 Anthony (USA)

Iranians want freedoms most of the world now enjoys. The Guardian Council and "Supreme Leader" do not offer such freedoms. After Almadinejad's election, even the office of President became tarnished. Down with the Mullahs and Down with the tyrants. May God Bless the Green movement and all people in Iran. After the Arabs raped you, the West Exploited you, Islamic Clerics silenced you, you are left still standing and stronger than ever.

16-02-2011 Hamid (Iran)

Iran belongs to the Iranians not to Islam. The Iranian government is the Muslim version of Klu Klux Klan. Iran had a great past, but today it lost everything unless some Iranians sacrifice themselves like the Egyptians or Tunisians. The Iranians are very smart people but their government is brutalizing them like in the Hitler time. God bless Iran.

16-02-2011 Lee

All of you people who are against the U.S. getting involved in the business of other countries are ignorant. America was born under some of the same principles that the Iranians want for their own nation. It is Americas duty as the leader of the free world to help other countries achieve the same freedoms that so many Americans take for granted.

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