L.A. Times Community

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People are saying:

I am no big fan of Sarah Palin, but she is dead right on this. Using gun metaphors has nothing to do with this shooting. What are we, a nation of morons, who cannot tell the difference between imagery and killing? Children can watch Elmer Fudd shoot at Bugs Bunny all day long, and they know it's not a real gun (at least, until about 20 years ago, when the politically-correct stampede insisted on telling us that Bugs Bunny is "dangerous").

-- visibleholstein commenting on 'Sarah Palin unapologetic after criticism related to Arizona shootings'

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To those of you who [angrily] feel that the L.A. Times is "too liberal" and "hate it", why are you here? I mean, I think Fox News is the Republican propaganda channel -- so I don't watch it, don't comment on their web site (do they have one?) and find arguing my point with any of their followers pointless. So why do you feel compelled to come in here each and every day complaining?


Hate us

don't like ya. way to liberal and one sided. i don't get it, your subscriptions have decreased ten fold and yet, you continue to report the news according to YOUR bias instead of simply reporting the news on both sides.


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Recent comment on HOMICIDE REPORT:

It is beyond belief that people who are commenting on this story are actually in support of this person. ... it is no wonder why this site is filled each week with people who are murdred in this great city.

-- P.C., on Jack Schlesinger, 25, died Sept. 28, 2010


Mixed Media Daily

Reader Erik Shveima is drawing the front page of the Los Angeles Times every day for a year.

Copyright 2011 Erik Shveima

See more of Erik's project at Mixed Media Daily

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