
Languages.png Languages: Pt:Casos de Estudo,Ru:Case Studies
Whether you're looking for inspiration, business models, or precedents, the CC Case Studies are a perfect place to start. Help us expand this resource by sharing your work and telling your story. Exceptional and well-written case studies could be included in upcoming publications and research.

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Blip.tv_logo.png is a video-sharing website focused on episodic content that has enabled CC licensing.

Revver_logo.jpg Revver Study

Revver self-describes as being ‘a powerful platform and suite of tools for serving and sharing media’ whilst forming a community of video lovers and artists who share in the site’s profits through its advertising structure.

2196901054_a9f86dbd12.jpg Cory Doctorow

Cory Doctorow is a writer, blogger, and futurist that has embraced the ideals of Creative Commons from the beginning.

Sleeping.jpg African Sleeping Sickness Test

Murdoch University scientists led by Zablon Njiru and Andrew Thompson have developed a simple blood test for African sleeping sickness (human African trypanosomiasis or 'HAT') which they’ve published in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases under a Creative Commons Attribution licence, making their findings accessible to the world.

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There are currently 320 case studies in the database.

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Get the book that seeded this database: Building an Australasian Commons

Building an australassian commons thumbnail.jpg

Building an Australasian Commons has been produced by Creative Commons Australia to highlight case studies from the Australasian region.


