Presidential timber

Re "No comparison," Opinion, Feb. 5

Michael Kinsley portrays Ronald Reagan as a failed leader. Though every presidency has its challenges and shortcomings, Reagan left behind an impressive legacy of achievements: recovery from the economic malaise of the late 1970s, dramatic expansion of freedom in Eastern Europe, and a restoration of American confidence on the world stage.

Kinsley denies that Reagan ever championed large defense cuts, having apparently forgotten the historic nuclear arms reduction treaty negotiated with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

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Kinsley also states that bipartisanship and compromise were not Reagan themes, even though Reagan's most significant legislative accomplishments in the areas of income tax cuts, budget deficit reduction and immigration reform were achieved with the cooperation of then-House Speaker Tip O'Neill and a Democrat-controlled Congress.

About the only thing Kinsley got right was noting that President Obama is no Ronald Reagan.

Julian Cummings

Huntington Beach

Finally, someone has said that the emperor has no clothes. With all this centennial hogwash going around, I haven't forgotten that Reagan should have been impeached for Iran-Contra.

As Kinsley points out, Reagan started the budget busting that continues today.

All these modern-day Republicans who worship at his altar would find him completely unacceptable today because he raised taxes after his disastrous 1981 cuts that heavily favored the wealthy (sound familiar?); enlarged the federal government; tried to eliminate nuclear weapons (look at the Republicans' criticism of Obama's New START treaty); supported amnesty for illegal immigrants; and signed an abortion bill as governor of California.

Reagan would never pass the current GOP litmus test.

Mark Temple

Huntington Beach

Many have used Reagan's image, name and politics in comparison to Barack Obama. Thanks to Kinsley for setting the record straight.

I would concede that Reagan then, and Obama now, share the goal of

reelection. Otherwise, there is no comparison.

For those Reagan

disciples who continue to lionize him when they invoke his memory, they might heed Kinsley's concluding remarks: "Reagan ran for president promising smaller government and a balanced budget. When he left office, federal spending was 25% higher and the federal workforce was no smaller."

Dan Pellow