Coffee Shop Closed Over Unpaid Taxes

New York state seized Bean Coffee & Tea on Wednesday, forcing the popular East Village coffee shop to close until it settles an outstanding sales tax bill of nearly $25,000.

Susan Burns, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Taxation and Finance, said the coffee shop had four open warrants for owed taxes totaling nearly $25,000. The first warrant was issued in November 2009 and the most recent was issued last month for $10,053.

“These amounts do not include interest and penalties,” she said.

In order to reopen the owners will have to work out an agreement with the state, which could include a payment plan. “We’re working with the responsible parties and hopefully we can come to some agreement and they can reopen,” Burns said. “We try to work with the owners.”

The owners of Bean Coffee & Tea could not be reached for comment. According to their website, the establishment opened in 2003 and considers itself a “neighborhood coffee shop,” reflecting the “vibe” of East Village.

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