Real Time Economics

  • Old Data Hold Sway in Funds for Heating

    Funding for home heating and cooling assistance would tumble by roughly half under the White House's proposed budget, but because state allocations rely partly on arcane demographic data, not all states will share the burden of cuts equally.

  • [wessel]

    Big Issues the Budget May Miss

    When Barack Obama's budget arrives on Monday, look for responses to two issues: The budget is on an unsustainable course, and the economy isn't growing fast enough to bring down unemployment and raise incomes.

  • Commercial Real Estate Coming Back, but Unevenly

    Commercial property took less of a drubbing than residential real estate in the recession but still faces a long and painful recovery.

  • [laborsup]

    Labor Shortage Persists in Some Fields

    Companies are starting to hire again, but finding highly qualified applicants for more technical positions is proving a challenge for some firms.

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    Strong Growth Has Its Drawbacks

    Strong economic growth should, in theory, make the U.S.'s problems easier to solve. In reality, it often fosters complacency and allows officials to avoid unpalatable choices.

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