Tech companies

Nokia falls into the arms of Microsoft

Nokia falls into the arms of Microsoft

The changes announced by the handset-maker's new boss are radical but look like the firm's best hope of restoring its fortunes(19)

The Big Society

Platoons under siege

Platoons under siege

The “Big Society”, David Cameron’s flagship policy of decentralisation and people power, is under attack—and not only from his Labour opponents(6)

American military spending

Threatening a sacred cow

Threatening a sacred cow

America’s fiscal crisis has put defence spending in the crosshairs(26)

Iran's view of Egypt

Opportunity and envy

Which Iranian revolution has now broken out in Cairo?


Punnest weekend ever

Wordplay and the Chinese new year

Angola's wealth

Mine, all mine

After three decades in power, José Eduardo dos Santos is presiding over a resource boom. But too few Angolans are seeing the benefits

United States

Happy toking

Strong majorities now support drug reform, according to our latest poll

Difference Engine

The sunbeam solution

How to turn sunlight and water into fuel for cars

Security in space

The cluttered frontier

America updates its space-security policy


David Kato

Mr Kato was one of a group so tiny, hated and hounded that most Ugandans had never knowingly met one

Editor's note

iPhone and iPad apps



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