Georgetown University Seal

Department of Government

Statue with Capitol dome in the background

Development Management and Policy Program


Our alumni have gone on to successful careers. Here is a partial list:

2002 Mariana Felicio, World Bank, Washington DC, Staff
2002 Ana Fernández Frank, Volunteer Coordinator, Children's International Summer Village (CISV), Cincinnati USA
2004 Julián Melo, University of Buenos Aires, PhD Candidate, UNSAM Professor
2004 Matías Barroetaveña, City of Buenos Aires, General Auditor
2003 Cecilia Ales, National Council of Security, Argentina, Staff
2003 Pablo Marsal, Amnesty International, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Staff
2003 Lucas González, University of Notre Dame, PhD Candidate
2003 Valeria Pattacini, UNSAM, General Coordinator of International Relations
2004 Carolina Schillagi, IDES/UNSAM, PHD Candidate/Professor and Researcher
2004 Martín Elissetche, University of Maryland, PhD Candidate
2004 Maria Esperanza Casullo, Universidad del Comahue, Director of Graduate Programs
2004 Jessica Koehs, Integral Assets, USA, Staff
2004 Roberto Montes, Environment Protection Project (World Bank-OAS), Montevideo, Uruguay, Coordinator
2005 Ariel Krengel, Israeli-Argentine Associations Delegation, Legal and Technical Office Coordinator
2004 María Andrea Castagnola, University of Pittsburgh, PhD Candidate
2004 Jana Zindell, Ubuntu Education Fund Sivulile Computer Initiative, USA, Director
2005 Raúl Tempesta, Catholic University of La Plata, Argentina, Assistant Professor
2005 Gerardo Serrano, Coordinating Ministry, Argentina, Staff
2005 María Silvana Gurrera, University of Buenos Aires, PhD Candidate/UNSAM Researcher
2005 Krista Wujek, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), USA, Proposal Writer
2005 Luis Fernando Barth Tobar, Law Firm in Medellín, Colombia, Lawyer
2005 Mariana Caminotti, UNSAM, PhD Candidate
2005 Frances Nagashima, YAK! (Youth Adult Konnections!), USA, Director
2005 Andrea Daverio, UNSAM, Researcher
2005 Luciana Mermet, National Direction of External Trade Policy, Ministry of Production, Argentina, Staff
2005 María del Carmen Pasarín, Foreign Affairs Ministry, Undersecretary of Equal Opportunity, Argentina, Staff
2005 Ana Mangialavori, University of Buenos Aires, Assistant Professor
2005 Humberto Guardia, National Ministry of Defense, Argentina, Director
2005 Karina Cendón Bóveda, Yale University, PhD Candidate
2005 Leticia Casajús, National Institute for Public Administration, Argentina, Researcher
2005 Victoria Beláustegui, Environment Protection Project (World Bank-OAS), Argentina, Technical Coordinator
2005 Mariela Caffarena, Ministry of Economy, Argentina, Staff
2005 Paula Fabre, Industrial Technical and Services Development Institute, Mendoza, Argentina, Researcher
2006 Natalia Gimena Martinez, UNSAM, Researcher
2005 Jorge Cristian Mazzolli, Wamnet SRL, Argentina, CEO
2006 Mariana Gabriela Calandra, UNSAM, Researcher
2006 Maximo Leibman, Blackrock Investment Management, London, UK, Offshore Dealer
2006 Andrea Zapata, Secretary of Education, Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Staff
2006 Nancy Marshall Rydberg, Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services' Florida Center for Survivors of Torture and Refugee Youth and Family Program, Case Coordinator
2006 Gisela Garzon De La Roza, International Development Bank, Gender Division, Staff
2007 Maria Argentina Santacruz, Peace Corps, Ecuador, Staff
2007 Martha Gonzalez (Stewart), Reuters, Data Division, Latin America Fixed Income Group, Market Analyst
2006 Patrick Justin Alwine, US House of Representatives, Staff
2007 Meghan Marie Bolden, Chemonics International Inc., Washington DC, Project Associate
2007 Constantin Von Mirbach, German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Kathmandu, Nepal, Staff
2007 Kristen Elizabeth Loehr, Yahoo, Staff
2007 Brian Bedsworth, U.S. Department of Transportation, Associate
2007 Thomas Hare, Winrock International, Consultant
2008 Alicia Hogan, Inter-American Development Bank
2009 Michael Bagrosky, Presidential Management Fellowship, Washington, DC
2009 Roger McDonough, World Land Trust
2009 Alejandro Sehtman y Cavo, Roma Tre University, Visiting Researcher
2010 Amy Molden, US Foreign Service/ECA in Buenos Aires

More information on the DEVM Alumni Association can be found at:


The Masters Thesis is a major work of original research that is formally defended in front of a committee. Here is a partial list of some of the theses that DEVM students have completed:

Mariana Felicio. “Collaboration or Miscommunication? An Evaluation of the Interaction Effectiveness in the Areas of Economic Policy and Civil Society in the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, and the Organization of American States.” Thesis Advisor: Colin Campbell, Ph.D.

Ana Fernandez Frank. “The Evolution of Educational Inequality among Argentine Provinces after the Reform of the School System in the 1990s.” Thesis Advisor: Andrew Sunil Rajumar, Ph.D.

Julian Alberto Melo . "El Pacto Peregrino. Sobre el federalismo argentino y la reforma constitucional de 1994." ("The Pilgrim Pact. On Argentine Federalism and the 1994 Constitutional Reform.") Thesis Advisor: Dr. Gerardo Aboy Carlés.

Andrea Moragues . "Limitaciones en la institucionalización de modelos de gestión de políticas sociales orientados a resultados. El caso argentino en la década del ´90." ("Limitations to the Institutionalization of Management Models of “Result Oriented” Social Policies. The Argentine case in 1990s.”) Thesis Advisor: Dr. Ana Laura Rodríguez Gustá.

Matías Barroetaveña . "La Política de formación de la elite política argentina en perspectiva comparada. Reformulación de la Escuela Nacional de Gobierno." ("The Training Policy of the Argentine political elite. A comparative approach. Reformulation of the National School of Government.") Thesis Advisor: Dr. Juan Manuel Abal Medina .

Cecilia Laura Ales . “Acceso a la información pública y control de las fuerzas de seguridad: su importancia para el fortalecimiento de la democracia. El caso de la Policía Federal Argentina." (“Access to public information and control of security forces: its importance in the strenghthening of democracy. The case of the Federal Police Argentina.”) Thesis Advisor: Dr. Alicia Lissidini .

Pablo Marsal . "Las donaciones de Fundaciones de EEUU a las ONGs argentinas durante los años 1999, 2000 y 2001." (" U.S. Foundations’ donations to Argentine NGOs during 1999, 2000, and 2001.") Thesis Advisor: Dr. Alicia Lissidini .

Lucas Isaac González . “Reformas institucionales en crisis: Reforma del estado, descentralización y cambio institucional en Argentina durante los 90’s.” (“Institutional Reforms in Crisis: The Reformation of the state, decentralization and institutional change in Argentina during the 90’s”) Thesis Advisor: Dr. Gabriela Delamata .

Carolina Schillagi . “Lazos sociales, lazos políticos: La experiencia de las asambleas barriales en la Argentina contemporánea.” (Social bonds, political bonds: the experience of local Assemblies in contemporary Argentina ) Thesis Advisor: Dr. Gerardo Aboy Carlés.

Martin Marcelo Elissetche . “An Ideo-Structural Perspective: How and Why Ideas Influenced Argentine Exchange Rate Regime Policy from 1983 to 2001.” Thesis Director: Dr. Marcelo Cavarozzi .

Esperanza Casullo . “More is Better in Civil Society? Configurations of Public Spheres, Social Movements and Social Capital in Democracy.” Thesis Advisor: Dr. Patricio Korzeniewicz.

Jessica Rachel Koehs . “The Participation of Cartoneros in the Planning and Implementation of Law 992.” Thesis Director: Dr. Gabriela Delamata .

Roberto Manuel Montes . “Comunicación en salud y SIDA en la Argentina. Una mirada a las campañas oficiales, 1991-2001” (Communication in Health and AIDS in Argentina: a view to the official campaigns, 1991-2001). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Alicia Lissidini .

Andrea Castagnola . “Transformaciones de una Sociedad Argentina Dual. El Movimiento de Usuarios surgido por los apagones de 1988 y 1999.” (Transformations of an Argentine Dual Society. The Movement of Customers that emerged due to the blackouts of 1988 and 1999). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Gerardo Aboy Carlés.

Jana Stephanie Zindell . “The Changing Nature of Citizenship: the Uncertainty of Bounded Citizenship in the Age of Globalization.” Thesis Advisor: Dr. Patricio Korzeniewicz.

Raúl Tempesta . “La activación de la protesta social en la Argentina durante los 90’: el caso ALCA” (The activation of the social protest in Argentina during the 90s: the case of FTAA). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Clelia Guiñazú .

Gerardo Matías Serrano . “La intervención social del Estado en Argentina 1955-1970”. (The social intervention of the State in Argentina 1955-1970). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Guillermo Alonso .

María Silvana Gurrera . “Ruptura y Promesa Movimientista. La construcción Política de la Central de los Trabajadores Argentinos en la década de 1990”. (Rupture and Promise of the Movement. The Political construction of the Central Union of the Argentine Workers in the 90’). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Gerardo Aboy Carlés.

Krista Maureen Wujek . “Pro-Poor Development: Are the World Bank and the IMF Experiencing a Change of Heart?” Thesis Advisor: Dr. Ana Laura Rodríguez Gustá.

Luis F. Barth Tobar . “Justicia Arbitral en Colombia: una exploración acerca de la resolución de controversias contractuales entre el Estado y el sector privado a partir de las reformas implementadas a finales del siglo XX”. (Arbitral Justice in Colombia : a survey about judicial resolution of contract conflicts between public and private sector since the State Reform of the 90´s). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Juan Manuel Palacio.

Mariana Caminotti “Políticas de Desarrollo Local en Argentina . El caso de Malargüe, provincia de Mendoza (1995-2003)”. (Local Develpelopment Policies in Argentina . The case of Malargüe). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Clelia Guiñazú .

Frances Nagashima . “Participatory Policy-Making in Argentina : Actors' Structures and Strategies in Health Policy”. Thesis Advisor: Dr. Alma Idiart .

Andrea María Daverio . “Entre la retórica y la práctica: salud reproductiva y Deerchos sexuales reproductivos en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (1987-2004)”. (Between ‘rethoric and practice’: reproductive health and sexual and reproductive rights in Ciudad de Buenos Aires (1987-2004). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Alma Idiart .

María Luciana Mermet . “El uso de los remedios comerciales como instrumentos de protección residual: perspectivas para el ámbito de las Américas”. (The use of commercial drugs as instruments of residual protection: a perspective for the Americas (1994-2004). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Marcelo Cavarozzi .

María del Carmen Pasarín . “Organización Regional en crisis en América Latina”. (Regional Organization in crisis in Latin America ). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Marcelo Cavarozzi .

Ana Marta Mangialavori . “Las Políticas de Seguridad en la década del noventa en la Argentina: los casos de la provincia y la ciudad de Buenos Aires”. (Security Policies in Argentina in the ´90s: the cases of the province and the city of Buenos Aires ). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Marcelo Cavarozzi .

Humberto Guardia Mendonca (Class of 2005) Thesis: “Efectos de la Convertibilidad sobre los actores políticos predominantes. Argentina 1991-1995. Del autocompromiso al disciplinamiento y la institucionalización”. (Effects of the convertibility law in Argentina . From self-commitment to discipline and institutionalization.). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Marcelo Cavarozzi .

Karina Cendón Bóveda . “La problemática de la prevención y del manejo internacional de crisis financieras: el rol del Fondo Monetario Internacional en perspectiva histórica”. (International Prevention and Management of Financial Crises: The IMF's Role in Historical Perspective.). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Marcelo Cavarozzi .

Victoria Beláustegui . “El rol del Estado como consumidor: perspectivas de una política de compras sustentables en la Argentina ”. (The role of the State as a consumer: perspectives of a sustainable purchase policy in Argentina ). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Guillermo Alonso .

Mariela Caffarena . “La privatización de empresas públicas del sector energético en la Argentina durante la década de 1990. El caso de Yacimientos Carboníferos Fiscales”. (The privatization of public companies of the energy sector in Argentina in the 90´. The case of YCF). Thesis Advisor: Dr. Guillermo Alonso.

Kristen Elizabeth Loehr. "Travestis in Buenos Aires: Prostitution, Poverty and Policy." Thesis Advisor: Dr. Maria Matilde Ollier

Thomas Richard Hare. "Social Capital and Development in Context: A Survey of El Salvador." Thesis Advisor: Dr. Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz

Jessica Braver. "Cooperation and Development; Emergence of Decentralized International Cooperation at International Organizations, A Case Study." Thesis Advisor: Dr. Eusebio Mujal-Leon

Allison Anne Lasser. "Housing Policy and Participation: Law 341 in the City of Buenos Aires, 2000-2007." Thesis Advisor: Dr. Gabriela Ippolito-O'Donnell

Elizabeth Marie McDermott. "The Imapact of War and Outward Male Migration on Female Human Development in El Salvador." Thesis Advisor; Dr. Susan Martin.

Brian Bedsworth. "Keeping Up With the Neighbors? Analyzing Argentina's Attempt to Capitalize Upon China's Economic Growth." Thesis Advisor: Dr. Maria Matilde Ollier

Shanette L. Lawrence. "Policy Motives of International Adoption Programs in Post-Socialist Countries; A Global Integration Strategy." Thesis Advisor: Prof. Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz

Lisa Stein. "Replication: Is the search for best models in microfinance inhibiting innovation and institutional learning?" Thesis Advisor: Dr. Mark Rom

Michael Patrick Bagrosky. "A Holistic Approach to the Triple Border Area: A Re-conceptualization of the Problem and a Coherent Policy." Thesis Advisor: Dr. Eric Langenbacher

Alicia Paulina Hogan. "Temporary Worker Schemes: Managing Migration for Development." Thesis Advisor: Dr. Gerald Mara.

Noelia Principi. "La configuracion de la politica de regulacion de la seguridad provada en la Cuidad de Buenos Aires." Thesis Advisor: Dr. Mario Francisco Navarro

Claudio Alejandro Sehtman y Cavo. "La reproduccion politica de la precaridad urbana. El caso de la Villa 31 (1996-2007)." Thesis Advisor: Dr, Gabriela Delamata

Kilian Doherty. "Participatory Democracy and Urban Environmental Governance." Thesis Advisor: Dr. Alicia Lissidini

Noelia Martinez. "Hacia una estrategia integrada de promocion de las exportaciones en Uruguay." Thesis Advisor: Dr. Alicia Lissidini

Kelly Butler Reeser. "Policy Practice and Review: Evidence-Based Practices in Autism Spectrum Disorders." Thesis Advisor: Dr. Douglas Reed.

Amy Molden. "Micro-finance and Inclusive Financial Systems in Latin America." Thesis Advisor: Dr. Barak Hoffman



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