jesus7es7dios7's Channel
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January 14, 2010
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jesus7es7dios7 commented on Re: Black People in America... (12 hours ago)
"@ILUVJEZUZ94 So if blacks, hispanics / latinos, semoyians, native indian..."   more
jesus7es7dios7 commented on Michael Savage's Book of Ha... (3 days ago)
"Anyways.... Bottom line, if muslims do not see Jesus as the son of God, ..."   more
jesus7es7dios7 commented on Michael Savage's Book of Ha... (3 days ago)
"@rozadabia Regardless of Weiner's hatred for muslims. Now... in the same..."   more
jesus7es7dios7 commented on Michael Savage on Islam! Mo... (4 days ago)
"@Tralgit Similar to what we are seing in the U.S. They come here and fr..."   more
jesus7es7dios7 commented on Michael Savage on Islam! Mo... (4 days ago)
"@rurukoshyv ... and they still come to AMerica and try to destroy this g..."   more
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Channel Comments (76)
DarkBeauty1989 (1 day ago)
right back at you. no matter how hard you want it it will never be true ,the facts are clear Mithra came first ,mithra was crucified and rose rom the dead first ,he atoned the sins of mankind first. mithra did this first, buddha walked on water first ,buddha healed people first,buddha taught love your enemies 600 years first
daggerrun (4 days ago)
OGA BOGA OGA BOGA! (I'm summoning and evil spirit!) OGA BOGA OGA BOGA!
daggerrun (4 days ago)
Ouch, actually I invoke an ancient evil spirit when I get my palms read, His name is Yami Yugi and he used be an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh who ruled the world with children's card games. He and the GodBear talk to me in my head. They can predict the future and they're rarely ever wrong unless your betting on a horse race, I would highly recommend their services!
smooth2kid (1 week ago)
I shall never proclaim Jesus is the son of God, nor shall I ever claim he is God!! How can one man die for the sins of Humanity. He never claimed to be God, it is you who is in loss. He was a messenger, (on him be peace) maybe you should do your research.
bluerachael1979 (1 week ago)
I don't want to hear your bullshit. Take your preaching ass somewhere else. If I asked you about God then you can tell me. Leave my channel alone. If you want to respond to what I said then do so on that video. Get over yourself lecturing people about God and what artist they can like. You're not God or a hero. Before you lecture others about God look at your own life. Ask yourself what have I done for humanity to better the world. Before you preach about God...trying acting in accordance to what he was about. God didn't judge people and what you're doing is judging. Get over yourself. Go on videos about religion and leave MJ videos alone. We don't want to hear you.
TheCaRpi99 (1 week ago)
La verdad y nada mas que las verdad esta en el corán.
MrTabscoob (3 weeks ago)
Si tanto temes ir al infierno, conviertete en un mueble!!
Dios castiga cada movimiento, cada palabra, cada pensamiento no deja dar un paso.
Contesta esto: Que te gusta de una mujer? Y no hablo de sus bellos sentimiuentos!!
ischixoch (3 weeks ago)
Jamas seguire el cristianismo americano.
gabrielirlanda (1 month ago)
Hola jesus7es7dios7, muy bien lo que has dicho sobre el alma, te cuento mi tia habia muerto en el hospital y un par de horas mas tarde ella se comunicó telepaticamente (mensaje) con mi madre y le dijó encargado varias cosas para que le diga a su familia y en especial a su sobrina. Mi madre tiempo atras solia tener esas videncias. Esto sucedió, comprobamos que el mensaje de mi tia existió porque le dejó dicho donde tenia un swetter para regalarle a su sobrina, lo tenia escondido en su casa, le avisamos a mi tio y el lo encontró. Fue algo muy emocionante para él y comprobamos que existe la vida despues de la muerte. Saludos.
lovosrapases (2 months ago)
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