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New POMED Policy Brief: Tunisia’s Moment of Opportunity

Today, all eyes are on Egypt, where citizens have defied government warnings and intimidation by courageously protesting against their repressive, authoritarian government.  This follows on the heels of the historic uprising that ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia, a popular revolt that has reverberated throughout the Arab world.  The Tunisian people have set an inspiring example for their neighbors, but their path to successful democratic transition is fraught with challenges.  To address the situation, POMED presents the second piece in its policy brief series, an analysis of the recent events in Tunisia and the difficulties that lie ahead, written by leading Tunisian democracy activist Amine Ghali.  Click here for the full text, and click here to sign up to receive future briefs via email.

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Ghali writes that the removal of President Ben Ali is a watershed moment in Arab politics: an unprecedented example of successful popular revolt.  However, during the former president’s extended reign, traditional forces of reform such as civil society organizations, political parties, and independent media were decimated by the repressive tactics of the regime and are now unprepared to play a strong role in democratic transition.  As the interim government works to build a new political order, it must maintain a difficult balance between making a clean break from the past and drawing on the practical expertise of the old guard.  During this transition period, the most important institutions of reform will be the three newly created national commissions to oversee political reform and to investigate corruption and human rights abuses.  Ghali argues that strong support, both technical and financial, from the United States and the international community will be essential to a successful democratic transition and provides specific suggestions for how best to supply such assistance.

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