Project on Middle East Democracy

Project on Middle East Democracy
The POMED Wire

Pakistan: Democracy “Fake,” Needs Stronger State Institutions

September 13th, 2010 by Anna

In an interview with Viktor Kaspruk of the Ukrainian Week yesterday, public policy commentator and broadcaster Ahmed Quraishi lamented the lack of “real leaders” and self-confidence in Pakistan, calling democracy in the country “fake.” He contended that there is a “huge” governance problem in the country, criticizing a political system that is “run by families” and praising the Pakistani military for breaking ruling families’ monopoly in government. In his view, democratic reform in Pakistan must wait until the fractured state leadership is consolidated. He asserted that leaders should focus on building institutions first, adding: “In Pakistan, we need a visionary nationalistic leadership at the top backed by the strength of the Pakistani military.” Quraishi contrasted former president Pervez Musharraf and Russian president Vladimir Putin, praising the latter for “reassert[ing] Russia’s power.”

Posted in Military, Pakistan, Political Parties, Reform |

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