Hosni Mubarak in Dubai court; no, not that Mubarak


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates: A judge has slapped Hosni Mubarak with a fine for illegally consuming alcohol.

No, not that Hosni Mubarak.

This one is a Pakistani namesake of the ousted Egyptian president who was in a Dubai misdemeanors court Sunday facing charges of breaking the emirate’s liquor laws, which ban public drinking outside of hotels and restaurants.

Media reports Monday say he was fined 1,000 dirhams ($273) by the judge, who couldn’t hold back a smile as he called the defendant’s name.

Egypt’s ex-president stepped down earlier this month after massive protests against his nearly three-decade rule.



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Hey Arab News, Keep your decency. This is a newspaper, not children's magazine.


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ban public drinking and allow home/restaurant/pubs/etc drinking..nice double standard muslim country LOL


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Hahaha this was hilarious!


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@edathil,,, hey don't be a kill-joy? when everything you're reading, seeing and hearing are about chaos and sufferings everywhere , it's, somehow, a good idea to read funny story like this.

"smile.. and the world will smile with you".

"cry... and you will cry alone".. got me?
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