Israel isolated and under threat

The regional deck has been reshuffled and is no longer in Israel's favor, causing serious consternation in Tel Aviv.

A country that was considered all-powerful a mere month ago now finds itself out in the cold for a variety of reasons at a time when it is governed by, arguably, the most intransigent and short-sighted prime minister in its history; a man who puts right-wing ideology before real politic.

In the first place, Israel has lost the unconditional support of the international community - with the exception of the US. The world recently witnessed this when the Palestinian Authority presented a draft resolution to the United Nations Security Council, reiterating that Jewish settlements on the West Bank and East Jerusalem were “illegal” and calling for such expansionist activity to stop. Although the draft was in line with President Obama’s public statements on settlements and was sponsored by 130 UN member states, Washington unsuccessfully heaped pressure on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to withdraw it before wielding its veto.

The Obama White House was cornered into flouting the wishes of the other 14 member UN Security Council members — including its closest allies Britain, France and Germany — else face the wrath of the pro-Israel lobby and its Congressional sycophants. Senior Palestinian official Nabil Shaath says the US decision proves “that Israel is isolated internationally and is only protected by the American veto.” Such unashamed hypocrisy on the part of the US combined with Ambassador Susan Rice's mealy-mouthed excuses that the resolution would have harmed the peace process — as though one exists — has only served to increase anti-US and anti-Israeli sentiments throughout a region in the midst of unprecedented upheaval.

Abbas has reacted by refusing to resume peace talks with Israel, calling for a “Day of Rage” on Friday in protest and says he intends to put the issue before the UN General Assembly, a move that is likely to cause the Obama administration greater embarrassment.

Secondly, the entire Middle East paradigm is in a state of flux with autocratic leadership dinosaurs under siege from educated youth seeking greater self-determination and better job prospects. Tunisia’s Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and Egypt's Hosni Mubarak have fallen. Muammar Qaddafi's 42-year-long grip on Libya looks tenuous and thousands of protesters are demanding reforms in Algeria, Morocco, Yemen and Bahrain.

Whatever happens, the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt serve as a wake-up call to all leaders in the region to reflect the wishes of the street, which may not bode well for Israeli interests. The fact that Egypt has given permission (rightly so under its treaty obligations) for two Iranian warships to pass through the Suez Canal for the first time in decades — apparently en route to Syria “for training” — speaks volumes as to diminishing US clout. Iran has tested the waters (no pun intended) and now that a precedent has been set it's likely that many more armed Iranian ships will be heading to the Mediterranean in the future increasing the potential for an incident that could spark an Israeli-Iranian conflict. A greater Iranian military presence on the high seas will also strengthen the hand of Damascus, the Hezbollah-dominated government in Lebanon and, of course, Hamas.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak would no doubt like to bite back his threat to Lebanon given prior to the Egyptian revolution that Israeli forces may cross into southern Lebanon to take on Hezbollah's military wing.

In response to Barak's reckless saber-rattling, Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah declared that he will annex the Galilee. He also vowed revenge on Israel for the killing of Imad Mughnieh saying, “To the Zionist generals I say, anywhere you go in the world at any time, watch out, for the blood of Imad Mughnieh will not go to waste.”

Egypt's new military rulers allowed the hitherto exiled theologian Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi to preach to over a million gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square last Friday exemplifying this new mood. Besides praising the revolution and asking Egyptians to return to work, Al-Qaradawi called upon the massive crowd to march to Rafah to tear down the border with Gaza and prayed for an Arab conquest of Jerusalem. It should further be noted, too, that while Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, that was banned and persecuted by President Mubarak, has announced it will not field a presidential candidate in the next election, it will now be recognized as a legitimate political party.

Adding to Israel's woes, its relationship with its ally Turkey has never been as strained. Ankara is still demanding that Israel apologizes for its attack on the Turkish vessel the Mavi Marmara that was attempting to break the blockade on Gaza and wants compensation for the nine Turkish victims.

Amnesty International has called Israel's report on the incident “a whitewash” and Turkey expects a UN panel to bless its own report based on passenger testimonies and the opinions of international law experts.

In an interview with CNN, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmed Davutoglu didn't pull any punches on that topic. He further condemned the Jewish state for its self-interested support of Hosni Mubarak, saying “Israel prides itself on being a democracy but does not want any other country to be a democracy,” adding, “that if Israel feels threatened at this time, it must first check itself.” He also blasted Israel for its settlement building policy and control over conquered territories “that do not point to a peace-inducing attitude.” Then, last week, Turkish President Abdullah Gul traveled to Iran for the first time to meet with its Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. While there, he told Iran's Press TV that his country will not permit Washington to use NATO bases on Turkish soil to wage war on other nations.

In short, Israel is being ringed-in by hostile or unsympathetic regional states and elements while support from the international community is hemorrhaging fast. When will the Israelis be willing to embrace the only cure for what ails them, a broad-based peace hinging on a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital? If there is anywhere that is in urgent need of a revolution, at least in government thinking and policies, Israel tops the list.




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Demonstration and revolution in the Mideast !
Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, maybe more to come. Oh and which democratic country is stable and prosperous, hold on let me think for a moment......ISRAEL


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i am american of asian background. I consider myself somewhat visionary and whatever is going on in the ME might reach us in NY. There is a big Israeli/jewish community here. It controls and runs NY. As a revenge and precaution Israel might try to break NY state from the rest of the US and to achieve that it would have to create misunderstanding and then a lot of bloodshed as a result ... things the Jews are good at. My concern here is...there are a lot of Naturalized American from different backgrounds who love and have been living in US for longtime. What the then in power, the Jewish would do to them. Would they kill indiscriminately and what right one would have under Israeli occupation of NY state ? and what the White House esp Ms Clinton's reaction would be ? As she is know to speak from both sides of the mouth as the other american politicians, would she interfere and stop us getting killed in NY or would she 'veto' as it is a matter between 'killer/occupier and those are getting killed' ?. I think Ms Clinton would be a great PM for the new Israeli occupied NY state but there would be none other than Jews in the state of NY. Is this possible ? Anything is possible.


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ISRAEL = Democracy :D :D
...just a US-Zionist dream creation, isolated from rest of the region :( :(
...what's come UP must go DOWN


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good article, but you fail to realize, as the world does, that Israel in its eye's have done more then enough in terms of concessions to go to the negotiation table, it was evident that these so called illegal settlements have already been acknowledged that they will remain under Israeli sovereignty in the negotations anyways, as was exposed in the leaks from wikileaks, so why would they strangle parts of Israel, well PA dwell's on the idea of statehood.

let us also not forget that while you feel as though a freeze in order, Israel has offered to continue the freeze in recognition from the PA that Israel is a jewish state, which was denied. how can you expect a country to enter into a negotiation where its identity is on the negotiation table.

what im leading to is the answer for Israel's problems is to cave in to Palestinian demands, or world demands who feel as if throwing Israel under the bus will solve the worlds election problems for the current governments, but rather make Israel feel more vulnerable, and like there back is against the wall, in which case Israel is more likely to take more extreme matters in regards to its PA problem, basically if you continue to demonize a country, and treat as such, your only encourage in to act in that manner, and given international support of this demonization, your only green lighting Israel to do so,

Word of advice, your not gonna tare Jerusalem out of the jewish people's arms, regardless of what 3rd world state you impose on them, the only way anything like that will happen is if Israel accepts its divisions, something that can only happen in negotiations.


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An asset acquired under filthy and disreputable cicumstances cannot be kept in your custody for long, the owners coupled with supporters will soom close in Insha Allah,the days are numbered.
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Israel considering temporary Palestinian state

Israel asked for Ten Billion USD from Americans for this "Temporary Palestine" this is another

Ilyas at Mar 10, 2011 03:11