Law & You - 2010 No. 10


I have been working with a company for nearly a year. My employer and I agreed to get my iqama transferred to another employer. Is this possible? How is it done? — A.A.W.T.

Yes, it is possible to change jobs with your employer’s consent, but under the most recent regulations this cannot be done until you have completed two years with your current employer. As to the actual procedure: This is done by your current employer who will prepare your papers with a written approval called a no-objection certificate. This is then forwarded to the Passport Department who actually executes the transfer of the iqama to the new employer.


I am abroad and my return visa has expired. The local Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia says it is not possible to renew the visa. Is this true? — A.W.I.

The rules are very strict in this regard. The only way to renew a re-entry visa from the local Saudi Embassy is to provide a convincing reason why you delayed your return, such as sickness or some other compelling reason.


Answers given by  Muhammad Jaber Nader

Questions may be sent to Arab News by e-mail (, fax (02)2836228, or regular mail (P.O. Box 10452, Jeddah 21433).



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very helpful questions and answers to us....
the law is not defficult but the ignorance making big problems....
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