Economist Store

Frequently asked questions

This section contains answers to the most frequently asked questions about Economist Store. It will resolve most of the queries you have.

What's a Money-back guarantee

We will send you a full refund on the unexpired part of your subscription should you cancel.

How often is The Economist published?

How often is The World In published?

Do you have any issue with opening a report in PDF?

How do I register?

How do I cancel an order?

How do I know if my order has been declined or accepted?

I've forgotten my password

How do I change my settings such as my e-mail address or password?

What is included in the price?

When will I receive my order?

Returns policy

Item is damaged/faulty

The Economist Store privacy policy

Is making a purchase on The Economist Store secure?

How can I report a technical fault on The Economist Store?

The Economist online

The Economist historical archive

The Economist historical archive - functionality

The Economist historical archive - registration

The Economist historical archive - subscription issues

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