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  1. "@XXX333666999 here's a real question: ARE YOU OR ARE YOU NOT GOING TO BE IN BILLION $ MOVIE?" (GREAT question! I pray 2 B)
  2. My hair has a nice Charlie Sheen today.
  3. "@Johnatron3000 @douggpound super wierd question. Did you have anything to do with gnomeo and Juliet?" Me? Gno.
  4. @chrisfairbanks when's the next skate sesh?
  5. RT @catjungle @douggpound Chef-Boy-RT
  6. James Franco-American® Slow Roast Gravies. #mmmm
  7. Sarah Jessica Parker has a beautiful voice.
  8. I shouldn't live tweet the commercials.
  9. That tax masters guy lost a lotta weight.
  10. Still mad at Randy Newman for that short people song.
  11. "How to Drain your Dragon" #BestPornNominee
  12. Robert Downeysaur Jr.
  13. She really Hathaway with wordth.
  14. @DirtyPreston Quiznos jokes are sub standard.
  15. @DirtyPreston Uninspired sandwich artists have no sub stance? (not great)
  16. @catjungle what?!
  17. Muammar, mua problems.
  18. @RubberThighs spelled capiche wrong but very cool!
  19. @danlongino Proud, go see it and let the tears flow.
  20. I sent a mystery video to boingboing!