Sen. Scott Brown to go on book tour


NEW YORK: Sen. Scott Brown is about to begin an old political ritual: A book tour. The first-term Massachusetts Republican will visit California, Florida and several other states to promote his memoir "Against All Odds," which comes out next week.

HarperCollins announced Monday that Brown's tour will begin Feb. 22 and continue off and on over the following few weeks. Highlights include the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif., and The Villages retirement community in Florida, where Sarah Palin promoted "Going Rogue."

Brown will begin and end his tour in Boston, wrapping up at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library. Brown won an upset victory in 2010 for the seat held for decades by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, the youngest brother of President Kennedy.

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Youths getting bolder in harassing women

Youth society here is rotten to the core. They do not know respect, dignity or etiquette. They

Mohamed Sideek at Feb 16, 2011 17:40


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