Pamela Anderson drank dirty water


LONDON: International celebrity Pamela Anderson drank a glass of filthy water on US television to show how a cheap new filter can make water safe for drinking. Anderson was promoting charity organization Waves For Water on the Ellen DeGeneres Show when she agreed to demonstrate to the host how new technology turns filthy liquid into drinking water in the world's poorest regions.

"This is a crude, simple thing; it's based on dialysis - if you can clean blood, you can clean water... It's drinkable; I'm gonna drink it right now," quoted her as saying. "I took them (the filter bags) to India when I went to India and did a demonstration there and I gave it to a bunch of people and then they take it to different places and we just keep on kinda spreading it around... the slums of Brazil, my friends are there right now," she added.



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Did she get sick? If she got sick then the headline barely makes a point.
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Saudi scholars support Libyan uprising

Saudi Scholars????? well I did not find any in spite of my 10 years stay in the fiefdom, thanks

Sraboni Pal Ali Admanya at Mar 2, 2011 03:31


Saudi scholars support Libyan uprising

Dear Mr. Muhammed, <br/>assalamualykum, before you blame scholars, you have to learn Manhaj Ass

INZU at Mar 2, 2011 03:31


Riyadh decked up to welcome king

Honourable Majesty king, i am pakistani banker very pleased to know and thank God that you reac

abbas ali at Mar 2, 2011 03:31


Abolish the veto system

Good Afternoon Nishthar - always a pleasure to have the benefit of your open-minded points of v

Merlin at Mar 2, 2011 03:30


Saudi scholars support Libyan uprising

Qaddafi is a mad man, no doubt. But can the scholars of any country tell me why would they sin

Ahmad Abu Hamza at Mar 2, 2011 03:29


US moves forces closer to Libya as Qaddafi escalates crackdown

JAY- Allah the God of jesus,Moses and Muhammad (Peace be upon all of them ) is with the musli

NISHTHAR IDROOS at Mar 2, 2011 03:28