I am Indian: Adnan Sami


MUMBAI: Singer-composer Adnan Sami is none too pleased by attempts in the Pakistani media to club his case with that of Pakistani singer Rahat Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan who was arrested in Delhi airport earlier this month for carrying undeclared foreign currency.

Attempts have been made by the Pakistani media to get in touch with Adnan and his family in Pakistan and India.

Says Adnan angrily: "I don't know why the Pakistani media is bringing my name up in Rahat's context. I am doing just fine."

"Yes, I'm in a spot of trouble with the government over a foreign exchange issue. But you can't compare my problem with Rahat's. I had done everything according to official instruction. It was the authorities who did not read the fine print," he adds.

Rahat Fateh Ali Khan was arrested at the Delhi airport Feb 13 for carrying undeclared foreign currency. He has since been released and returned to his country.

Adnan sidesteps the strong rumours that he is under renewed threat from a regional political party to leave India.

"There will be the party-poopers in every situation. You can't run away and hide just because some people want to get rid of you. Let me make it very clear that Mumbai is my city. This is where I now belong. And no one can drive me out," he said.

Reacting to rumors that he still maintains a Pakistani passport, Adnan sighs: "My application for an Indian passport has almost come through. I'll soon be an Indian citizen."

"Until then, yes, I do hold a Pakistani passport. Does that make me a Pakistani? We've an example of a very important and beloved leader (Sonia Gandhi) coming from Italy," he added.

"How Italian would you consider this beloved leader who is dedicated to Indian politics? Nationality is a state of mind. I am Indian. I dare anyone to prove otherwise," he says.



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Get lost Adnan Sami. We don't need people like you to hold a Pakistani passport and then betray. You are a looser.


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Bravo Bravo !!!


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There was a time in Pakistan'ts History when we used to be a proud Pakistani and we had superiority over India at those times probably in 80s and 90s. Now Pakistanis are reavhed at a state where most Pakistanis Talents are running away from its own land. There is no respect, no money, no safety in Pakistan. The whole nation is in chaos, ill-disciplined, ill-mannered, and on top of that the Leaders and Politicians and the worst Govt we have ever seen. The only thing we see in Pakistan is the Parliament and Senate where old faces have been sitting there for decades and enjoying and accumulating wealth in their pockets. The entire families are in the parliament and senate with over 60 women and similar men are un-elected. Parliament and Senate is the only basis in Pakistan, the rest of the people suffers and are leaving the country here and there by whatever means even if they die but they want to get out. So Adnan is not an exception, he is such a talented artist but polished in India to become a high calibre singer. There are many other Pakistanis who have done extremely well in India. I will give you another example is that of Ali Zafar, Rahat Fate Ali etc. Did someone know whats happening with Mehdi Hassan in Karachi Hospital he is gravely sick and he is in a poor state of health and finances who cares for him in Pakistan. Should Mehdi Hassan been in India he would have been receiving treatment in Washington or New York he is penniless in Pakistan. Look at our talented Imran Khan he has been out to convince people to follow him but no one listen to him his talents and efforts are invain. What has happened to this nation people just eat and sleep but no standards in life or quality life blindly following political parties and its leaders. All good people are getting out of the country for better future. Look at our Cricket Team Players they are dying to go to India to play there and get money but they don't have respect in India because our Govt and poor-statehood. Can someone remember, one Pakistani Minister Dr Firdous went to Hyderabad to crown Indian bride Sania Mirza of Shoeb despite the fact that she hats Pakistani and has no respect for Pakistan and even still call herself an Indian and look what a reception she received in Pakistan she was greeted by Pakistan's PM and his families in Five Star Hotel. What happened to Pakistan, did someone ask the Govt and these ministers who paid for this expenses by wasting national money on Indian star of Tennis. Did someone ask Firdous Awan who paid for her travel to Hyderabad and the expnses she incured during that trip. It is a shame for Pakistan and the people. Now look at that Shoeb where is he he is serving his own wife in India and he is a shame for Pakistan. Now friends tell me who would respect us if we behave like this I don't thing any. Adnan know there is no respect in Pakistan so he is seeking respect in India,.We will see more Adanans going to India and will bring more shame to Pakistan because our Govt and Politicians dont care. I urge all Pakistanis to think and act, follow Imran Khan to become Prime Minister and then watch what happens.


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I am not surprised with him comments. Pathetic show of arrogance from Adnan Sami.


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Good one Adnan...


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All along during the 19th and 20th centuries, the question of "Nation" and or "Nationality" has been haunting the Muslims, no matter whether in the so called Arab land(s) or non-Arabic countries. Quraán Hakim, no doubt affirms the notion of "Nations", but as a mean and mechanism to distinguish and recognize varied groups of human beings scattered all around the world, that's it. Otherwise the criteria to judge the nobleness is nothing but piety, unswerving belief and excellent moral character. A prescription as suggested by Iqbal is :
On the pulpit he ( an Islamic scholar of repute erroneously)
sayeth that Millath (Muslim Çommunity) begets from country,
a land, a region. How unaware of the stand of Muhammad of
Arabia ( peace and blessings of Almighty be on him)! IDENTIFY
thyself with MUSTAFA (peace and blessings of Allah be on
him), for he is all that the DEEN is,
If thou art not so made, all else is EVIL!.
On 22nd Nov. 1937 talking to Maulana Abul Hassan Nadvi Iqbal unequivocally asserted that: Pakistan is required so that, Islam as a Deen and not merely as a religion and its culture is preserved in its totality. In a letter to Mr. M.K. Gandhi written by Qauid e Azam Jinnah, vividly describes that in (united) India "Hindus and Muslims are two major nations. " The Muslim 'nation' is a nation on the basis that all its members have one and the same goal. In the Indo-Pakistan sub continent context, the Muslim League's 1940 resolution defines: the areas in which the Muslims are numerically in a majority as in the North-Western and Eastern Zones of India should be grouped together to constitute " Independent States", in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and sovereign. In a sense, the federation or a confederation of the 'states' would have been informally "Pakistan" since long ; and if it is true then of course, the states combined together or separately were free to adopt socialism, communism, secularism or liberalism as the basis of their respective constitution(s). There was ABSOLUTELY no need whatsoever to involve: (1) Islam (2) Indian Muslims and (3) Urdu ignoring the consequences to bring about formal Pakistan. Millions of Muslim in India were brutally murdered, displaced and lost their properties worth trillions of dollars. As if this was not enough approx. 250 million Muslims in India since 1947 are enduring all sorts of discriminations, atrocities and high handedness of organized and deliberately planning to isolate and crush the originally Indian Muslims by the majority community whether in private capacity or in Govt. Sadly though, British trained and brainwashed indifferent ruling class in Pakistan right from its inception has been ruining the country and already weakened the very edifice on which the "Pakistan" is based hence we have characters like Bade Ghulam Ali Khan and Adnan Sami.... I for one cannot blame them ... as the saying goes; As you sow, so you reap, this is the law of nature and who can win against the nature


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it is very good decision of Adnan Sami, I welcome this decision to stay and give the service to India as an Indian.


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He, and people like him, is trying to playing both ways: if he won, he'd become an converted Indian, off course for a lot of money he'd make, and if not stupid Pakistani government'd take him anyway due to his Pakistani Passport. Smart ass!!


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No one not even a Pakistani wants to be called himself a Pakistani. Are you listening Pakis.


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there is a saying ... "dhoobi ka kutta, na ghar ka na ghaat ka" ... it fits on Adnan pretty well
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