US farmers hire movie stars to sell nuts in Asia


BAKERSFIELD, California: California nut growers have hired a number of Asian celebrities to help them sell more of their products overseas.

US agricultural exports hit an all-time high of nearly $116 billion last year, and for the first time, China was the largest market, surpassing Canada.

To grab more of that market, the Almond Board of California has hired Chinese movie star Gao Yuan Yuan as its official ambassador to China. She is appearing in a documentary and television series about her travels to California’s almond country. She’s also featured in print ads and billboards in China.

The Almond Board has hired Bollywood actress Karisma Kapoor to promote the nuts in her native India. She’s appearing in television spots aimed at convincing Indians to eat almonds as a healthy snack.




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Clearly the Americans Farmers have lost their mind - Correct me if I wrong isn't India an exporter of Dry fruits to the world. I think they do a good job of providing good quality (Export quality) of nuts at a fairly decent price.

How do the Ameicans think they are going to compete with India and that too on Indian soil!! - It would make no difference even if the got The Bachans to peddle the nuts. Indians are not going to pay an arm and a leg for products they can grow themselves!

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Saudi scholars support Libyan uprising

Saudi Scholars????? well I did not find any in spite of my 10 years stay in the fiefdom, thanks

Sraboni Pal Ali Admanya at Mar 2, 2011 03:31


Saudi scholars support Libyan uprising

Dear Mr. Muhammed, <br/>assalamualykum, before you blame scholars, you have to learn Manhaj Ass

INZU at Mar 2, 2011 03:31