Clampdown on beggars intensified

Police arrest an unidentified man suspected of begging in the street in Makkah province. (AN photo)


JEDDAH: A massive campaign to clamp down on street beggars in Makkah province netted a large number of beggars across the region. Those arrested included men and women, many of whom have already been deported.

“This recent police campaign is aimed at ensuring security and combating unpleasant social activities. Raids were carried out in various parts of Makkah province in cooperation with the Passport Department, the National Guard and the Saudi Mujahideen department,” said Gen. Ali Al-Ghamdi, head of Jeddah police.

He added that the police have made elaborate plans to rid the region of beggars, a task that has involved secret police who have been on the prowl looking for beggars and the places that they frequent, such as traffic lights, mosques and shopping malls.

“Giving to those who are not eligible for Zakat is unacceptable. This could be viewed as encouragement and assisting their illegal activities. It could also trigger an increase in the number of people overstaying Umrah or Haj visas,” said Gen. Ali Al-Ghamdi.

Meanwhile, eight Chadian and Ethiopian men recently arrested in Jeddah for breaking into shops and homes across the city. “Police officers were able to track down the suspects through fingerprints left at the crime scenes,” said Col. Misfer Al-Juaid, spokesman for Jeddah police.

“An investigation was launched after we received calls from people whose homes and shops were robbed. There were also reports that car windows in several districts had been smashed to rob the contents of the cars,” he added.

The eight men were arrested together at their home, said Col. Al-Juaid, adding that they are currently in jail while investigations continue.



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I have a suggestion for all these stateless people. Saudi Arabia is a very country, create some place where all these people can leave and work. Make factories such as Skin tanning, rubber manufacturinv, plastic etc. There should be a border, no one should cross. If they wish to cross, they need a travel permit with a gaurantee that they will report back to that area. This will help they stay in Saudi Arabia for ever. It look really bad to see them beg in a scorching heat holding infant in their hand to lure people to give alms, which creates a bad name for such a rich country of the world


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Begging is the most lowest form of humanity, it is extremely degrading and humiliations level is absolutely worthless. the society has role in this to eliminate this function, properly organise welfare system by zakat and human care system with responsibility to up lift these people to be useful members of the society.

it is not an easy task, it require proper based organise services. for sure Islam has that caring element built in the society only if it cares to follow it.

Over staying people should be dealt through legal process of the country. again proper legislations required for that too.


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That's a problem in every wealthy country. It attracts people without education and people searching for an easier life then in their homecountries. And going for Umrah or Haj makes it easy to come to Saudi Arabia. I think Saudi Arabia has to take a major role in the Arabian World. So it can help the other countries with their people and those to stsay in their homecountry when there is no more reason to leave it.


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The Police, Traffic Police, Passport officer and goverment officials should carry a finger print machine with data updated. If a person forget's his Resident permit at home and sudden inspection of official then the resident will also be deported.
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