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Long Live Lord of the Two Lands, Pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt Hosni Mubarak I! And all hail his golden successor Gamal, son of Ra, Mubarak II! I am shocked to hear that as much as 8% of the Egyptian population thought they were worthy to express an opinion on matters which should be the sole concern of the divinely born one true Pharaoh, in whose light the nation basks. Now let the foreign envoys come bearing tribute from distant lands, to hail His Majesty's great victory over his unworthy people.... and may I humbly urge His Majesty to duly punish the 95% of the population that has had the effrontery to humiliate Him before an international audience.


For protocol reasons it won't do to have a Secretary of State who never goes to the Middle East. The administration should really think, though, about limiting Sec. Rice's exposure there.

Earlier Secretaries of State who succeeded in "shuttle diplomacy" did so because they were talented negotiators, also because they developed reputations for extracting a price from people who crossed them. We have talented negotiators either working in the government now or available to it. Sec. Rice just isn't one of them.

The administration didn't entrust the North Korean negotiations to its Secretary of State; why should the Middle East be any different? By all means let Rice put in an appearance occasionally, preferably whenever things seem to be going well if that ever happens. Otherwise, though, let her stay in Washington and run bureaucratic interference for a more capable subordinate. She looks too clearly out of her depth on a stage like this.

Abdulrahman Mansour

In five of electoral committees I visited, did not enter five persons along today,
we invite students to boycott the referendum in Mansoura University, and yesterday turned to investigate 46 students who were called for,

this government stupid



what is the meaning of أبو خنزير الأرض

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