Four Americans die in UAE plane crash


ABU DHABI: A  Grumman 21T aircraft, en route to Riyadh from Al-Ain, crashed shortly after takeoff killing four US nationals on Sunday night.

The twin-engine plane — apparently a vintage aircraft that had been modified — went down moments after taking off at Al-Ain International Airport about 100 km east of Abu Dhabi. A statement by the UAE's Civil Aviation Authority said it crashed the taxiway before catching fire.

“Shortly after liftoff, the aircraft veered to the left and crashed on Taxiway Kilo,” the statement said.

Investigators were examining the wreckage to determine a possible cause for the fiery Sunday evening crash. The identities of those killed — the only people on board — were not immediately disclosed.

A US Embassy spokesperson confirmed the deaths on Monday and said that authorities would be working together to determine the cause of the crash.

The Abu Dhabi-based newspaper The National reported the plane was owned by Triple S Aviation, a Texas-based aircraft service company with a branch office in Dubai.

The company's website says it offers business aircraft, helicopters, and special use aircraft to the Middle East and South Asian markets.

The eight-seater aircraft was destroyed by the impact and subsequent fire, the GCAA statement added.



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It would be interesting to know more details of this crash and the people on
board who are all dead., particularly at a time when the region is in turmoil.
I think the UAE should be very watchful of Americans and their allies the Jews.
It was only recently that Mossad carried out an assassination of a Hamas Leader in Dubai. this may have been an attempt to create, a problem in a stable area. More so with protests in neighbouring Oman.


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Put the cap back on the glue, please!


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This comment is completely bogus. I know the people who died in this crash personally. They were good people who only had a passion for flying planes. Simple as that.
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Oh, not ANOTHER plan !!! How many have we heard about over the years As usual, NOTHING will hap

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ADAM- Just keep us updated on the version of the Bible. Good Luck.

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