Editorial: Minister’s murder

When will this bloodletting in the name of Islam end in Pakistan?

It seems there’s no end to Pakistan’s woes. Just when the Pakistanis, and the world, were beginning to get over the shocking killing of Salman Taseer comes the assassination of Federal Minorities Minister Shahbaz Bhatti.

It’s no coincidence that, like the late Punjab governor, Bhatti was an outspoken critic of the controversial blasphemy laws and its abuse. As the minister responsible for minorities, Bhatti had been in the forefront demanding pardon for Aasia Bibi, the woman who faces death sentence for allegedly insulting the Prophet (peace be upon him). And now he has paid with his life for his audacity.

The Pakistani Tahrik-e-Taleban has reportedly claimed responsibility for the killing, promising similar fate to all those opposing the blasphemy laws. The same self-styled defenders of faith had also claimed responsibility for the Taseer killing.

Where is all this going to end? And who stands to benefit from this madness and heinous bloodletting in the name of Islam and the sweet name of its noble Messenger?  Not Islam. And not Pakistan and its 165 million people.  

This is an act of murder, pure and simple. Those carrying out such craven acts have nothing to do with Islam or its true followers. A religion that warns that taking one innocent life is akin to killing entire mankind can never condone such cowardly acts targeting innocent people.

But we have been here before and said all that ad nauseam before, haven’t we? A whopping majority of Pakistanis and Muslims everywhere — 99 percent of them — are peace-loving people. They are outraged and sickened every time violence is perpetrated and innocent lives are taken in their name. They have grown sick and tired of defending themselves and their faith every time something vile and dreadful like this happens. However, there’s no stopping the lunatic fringe. It not just continues to kill at will, it pretends to speak on behalf of a billion of believers.

How long will this go on? There are no easy answers. Pakistan is not the only Muslim country that is facing this siege within. Extremism has emerged as a serious, if not the greatest, threat to Muslim societies everywhere.  Of course, we can go on endlessly debating the historical, political and social factors responsible for the phenomenon. Which we have done for far too long without getting anywhere. It’s about time we came up with some effective steps and concrete action to take on extremism — and those who cling to it as their way of life — head on.

Right now, Pakistan is going through a massive churning at all levels. Thanks to its strategic geopolitical location at the crossroads of Asia and Middle East and as a neighbor of Afghanistan and ally of the United States, Pakistan made some critical choices. Today, the nation is clearly paying the price for those strategic choices.

Extremism, rampant crime and gun culture are eating into the vitals of the South Asian country that also happens to be a nuclear state. Everything is falling apart. This doesn’t have to be like this. If anyone can change this state of affairs, it is none but the Pakistanis themselves. A resilient and enterprising lot, they have proved time and again they could achieve anything if they put their mind to it.  It’s time to rediscover that fighting spirit of Pakistan to win this war on extremism.



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Pakistanis must understand that there is a problem in their country. There is no point in blaming others for everything. Unless they stand together, they might end up losing their nation and live as second citizens elsewhere..


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I am a Pakistani and I condemn the killing of Shahbaz Bhatti in the strongest terms. People have a right to have different views between themselves, but that doesn't give them the right to take the law into their own hands and kill innocent people. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) even used to forgive people who talked against him and although he suffered in spreading the message of Islam, for example in Taif where he was pelted with stones and started bleeding profusely, he asked Allah to have mercy on the people who caused him harm and guide them to the true path. So, why can't people of different religions and minorities in Pakistan live in harmony? Islam is the religion of peace.


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Pakistanis must work together to bring about peace and harmony. It has become a must now otherwise the country will break up and they will all loose their lives and their property along with their loved ones. What could also happen is that big powers could enter this region and play their power games resulting in making this entire region another middle-east.


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Marvelous and great editorial ! The editorial enlightens the true picture of Islam. Islam and most followers of Islam keep strong faith in peace. Islam brings humans towards God through an disciplined manner. Islam is the way of humanity not of community. As the holy Quran itself proclaims that the Allah is the owner of all human kind (Rabb - Ul - Alameen) not of muslims only. Hence, God and his Prophets are of all, not of a segment. Allah is infinite and no one can divide it. Allah and Prophet are too great that no one has power to condemn them. In our India, many people weep before the idols of god and abuse him for personal reasons. And no body cares it. Because god is for all and if some one wants to complain him, no body can interfere in between. Those who punish or trouble others on the name of god think themselves above the god and being punished by the God himself.
Ideas of brother Majid Nasim Ahmad are also very heart touching. When Prophet himself forgive and asked Allah for mercy even to them who stoned and injured him then who has power to create violence on his name. Violent people must be eliminated from Islam so that the sun of true Islam may shine in the sky.


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Feudalism and tribalism are the main cause of unrest in the great country of Pakistan. Anybody takes the life of anybody just on their firm believes of revenge taking on clumsy pretext of faith based politics. Look at the country’s political history? Not one person agrees to other fellow countrymen but always seems right to their fancy ways. Always looking to harm each others in contrary to work together and develop their country for all to live happily with prosperity. a sympathizer


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It is v sad to to every day in islamic pakistan innocent people are killed in the name of islam.lackof education and ignorence about religion result in such heinous crime.let the nation begin to read and write before it is disintegrated.


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as a respect for Bhatti, Aasia Bibi should be released immediately.


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Assalam O Alaikum WaRahamatulli to me dear Muslim readers! Even though whats happening in Pakistan is a total mess and choas and the reason is simple (people in Pakistan have lost their objective and sincerity which is that this nation was built in the Name of Allah for Muslims). However, once the nation came into being, the objective was forgotten by later generations and thus everyone is suffering now out of identity crisis. In essense, both Salman Taseer and Shahbaz Bhatti deserved death based on what idea's they carried against the beloved final messenger (peace and blessing be upon him), however it was Zardarri's call to carry out this punishment, not local publics. So i only condem normal Muslims to stop taking the law in their hands and get over theri anger and train themselves in self discipline and to fear Allah. But i dont condem their death, they met consequence of what they initiated!!! Learn your deen Muslims before its too late!


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One should not rush to assume that Shabaz Bhatti was killed by Punjabi Taliban. A pamphlet found near the crime scene can not be a proof rather it could just a ploy .Matter may need to be seen from another angle. Punjab Govt. has taken a very clear, strong yet a legal standing against CIA contractor, Raymond Davis, who killed two Pakistanis. Longer he stays in a Lahore jail more are the chances of getting all the spiral of conspiracy against Pakistan to get on the surface. The ploy could be to put the Punjab Govt. on the defensive. Raymond Davis case has shed enough light on the fact that CIA is wide active to destabilize Pakistan.


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I do agree and endorse some of the views expressed by the editor and vehemently condemn the vile and abominable blood letting of innocent persons as it is against the teachings of our glorious Deen. Islam is and never was secretive religion, its message, teachings and doctrines are unambiguous and quite vivid. Honest, unbiased and enlightened non-Muslims also acknowledge that Islam stands for peace, progress, harmony and equality. Before going any further I would like to mention two of the news items from todays papers. 1. Tennessee is considering making it a felony to follow some versions of the Shariaá law..........it represents the boldest legislative attempt yet to limit how Muslims worship...... Muslim groups fear the measure would OUTLAW cnentral tenets of Islam such as praying five times a day, abstaining from alcohol and fasting uring the month of Ramahaan. 2. Executives from a Sony music unit have apologised for a Japanese rock band under its management WHO DRESSED UP LIKE NAZIS for a national TV broadcast. The apology saying, although it was not meant to carry ANY ideological meaning whatsoever, we deeply regret and apologise for the DISTRESS it has caused Simon Wiesenthal Centre and ALL concerned, from Sony Music Artists Inc. came after an international JEWISH GROUP complained about Japanese band Kishidan wearing costumes during an appearance on an MTV Networks Japan show. Our Holy and beloved Prophet Mercy unto Universe in general and to human beings and Jinns in particular emphasises the point that "unless one does not love me (manifestedly) more than himslelf, his parents and each and every thing which is adorable and amiable for him he/she IS NOT A MUSLIM!. We the hapless adherents of magnificent Deen (be carefull NOT religion) are advised and encouraged to compromise in the matter using distorted meaning of some Ahadiths. Muslims are killing Muslims in their respective lands? far from reality a myth created by the eternal enemies of Muslims and Islam. Unfortunately, it is the result of weakness of Muslims and machanitions of "...those who have evoked [your] anger or of those who are astray". I wish to raise two pertinent and relevant questions: (1) At the end of the day who is the beneficiary of the gruesome act? (2) How come almost simultaneously, all of a sudden and in unison the media especially in the non-Muslim world became judgemental and resolved to raise hue and cry and pointing fingers towards "Taliban, Extremsits, Islamists, Terrorists" as if they were well prepared for the mishap/adventure and had the prior knowledge. Actually they want to see 'Democracy' flourishing in their lands but should remain a forbidden tree for the Muslims. In countries like Algeria, Egypt, Pakistan Palestine etc. majority of the population is in favour of Islamic Law, but for our freinds this is not the type of Democracy they wish to see! a terrifying example of high handedness and double standards. Whatever they are doing in the name of civility, democracy and peace is nothing but jugglery use of disinformation, misinformation and false propaganda. Muslims beware of the potholes!


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Vacancies exist for well qualified and experienced Islam teachers in Pakistan, it’s essential candidates are well endowed with the divine Aqeedah and Manhaj and obviously spent a good five years with recognised scholars.


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The incidents in Pakistan give wrong image of Islam. No one is above the law. no one has the right to take the law in his hand. As a Muslims from our activities let other people learn Islam and love Islam.
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