China's foreign policy

Setting sail for Libya

Setting sail for Libya

The People's Liberation Army plays a more dynamic role abroad while keeping an eye turned to its audience back home(93)


The iPad's (and Steve Jobs's) second coming

The competition this time will be a lot stiffer

Healthy living

Mind and body

Loneliness could be bad for your health

Jews in Poland

Warsaw's wounds

Poland’s chief rabbi symbolises a remarkable revival in Jewish life

Furniture shops

The secret of IKEA's success

Lean operations, shrewd tax planning and tight control

Interactive map

Chinese equivalents

Which countries match the GDP, population and exports of China's provinces?

The Oloffson

Hotel Haiti

Now run by a voodoo priest, the resort made famous by Graham Greene made famous is virtually unchanged

Weekly quiz

Ten questions concerning the current edition of The Economist, ranging from the most abundant elements in the universe to the epitome of Catalan cuisine

Editor's note

iPhone and iPad apps



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Kabuki comes home
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