NSHR confronts Jazan father over girl’s right to marry


JEDDAH: The National Society for Human Rights (NSHR) in Jazan is trying to convince a man to allow his 30-year-old daughter to marry.

Ahmad Al-Bahkali, director of the Jazan branch of the NSHR, said the father has no valid reason to stop his daughter from getting married.

He added that the father’s abuse and torture had even forced her to attempt suicide.

The woman set herself on fire and suffered serious burns after the father turned two suitors away.

Al-Bahkali said the NSHR will have to pursue the matter through the courts if the father refuses to cooperate.

He added that several philanthropists have offered to meet the woman’s wedding expenses to persuade the father to consent to her getting married.

The father has, however, rejected all such offers.

Al-Bahkali said the NSHR considers the attitude of such parents to be akin to human trafficking. He added that Shariah courts have the authority to transfer a man’s guardianship to another person or to the court itself if the man denies the daughter’s legal right to get married.

The NSHR’s Jazan branch is currently dealing with 10 similar cases filed by women whose parents refuse them permission to marry.



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Only in Saudi Arabia....


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He just wants a maid, or he fears he will be lonely without her. Poor woman.


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The concept of male "guardianship" is akin to slavery. Women should be able to make choices and exercise their free will to live without being required to have anyone's permission, with equal rights. Otherwise they will always be at risk of and subject to abuse by men.


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What kind of Islam is this? Where in Islam a father or brother has right to block, stop a marriage? Isn't in Islam, man and woman are given EQUAL rights? Guardianship doesn't mean a relation of Master & slave. If there's a compatibilty between a man and woman, no one has any right to interfer in it. Saudis, these days, are getting more and more illiterate and arrogant day by day. They don't understand Islam or if they do, don't practice. Where the race or ethenicity comes in, Saudi & non Saudi, in Islam? Where in Islam a 'Saudi' woman can not get married easily to a man of another country while a 'Saudi' man can? Get back to your senses before things changed drastically.


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what's new in this news? same old story !
poor girl.
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