Andrew Cusack is the Editor of Norumbega and the Associate Editor of The New Criterion.

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Moving along

August 29th, 2008

Alas, dear friends, Norumbega, having wandered off on its summer vacation, has decided not to makes its scheduled return in September. Nonetheless, I would by no means proclaim it dead, merely in abeyance. It may resurrect sometime in the shady mists of the future, sometime before the final judgement. Then again, it might not.

At any rate, the site will stay online for your viewing pleasure (I hope you’ve enjoyed it), and you can continue to follow my particular train of thought over at a new-and-improved, with all the contents of the blog portion of Norumbega added for your convenience. Take a look.


Charles of Austria,
pray for us!

St. Juan Diego,
pray for us!
Our original little corner of the web.