Great Rodents In Film

Bird has, as Slate‘s Josh Levin makes clear, always been ambitious and willing to enter dark emotional territory. That’s very much to Bird’s credit, and that willingness to not condescend can make for great kid’s movies. ~Reihan Salam Reihan is talking about the director of Ratatouille, the new animated feature that is apparently brilliantly made and [...]

Unserious Quasi-Candidate Continues To Campaign Unseriously

This just in: Fred Thompson is a superficial and media-driven candidate.  Who would ever have guessed? Here was the best part from the news report: “He looks good onstage, but I don’t know if he has the gravitas,” said Kathleen Williamson, a conservative Roman Catholic from North Weare. “It seems like he’s trying to win [...]

Mere Front-Porch Anarchy Is Loosed Upon The World?

Fascinating what-ifs all, but mostly irrelevant. Immigration reform was defeated by a conservative revolt that spread to the wider public. Senate opponents, gloating over their success in killing the bill, were essentially correct in insisting the American people had rejected immigration reform. ~Fred Barnes, “Things Fall Apart” You can hear the sound of Barnes’ disappointment.  [...]

Other People Who Don’t Like Fred–I Salute You!

These Are My People Via Marc Ambinder Nice touch with the pink.

The Totalitarian Temptation From Ockham To Oneida

In a sense, it’s almost too easy to engage in this piling on.   Then I say to myself, “Oh, why not?”  So here it is.  Jim Henley is a very funny blogger.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Success Is Never Final  Islamists see the currents of history flowing their way. They reign in Iran, installed Hamastan in Gaza by putsch, threaten Lebanon’s government and crow that they brought down the Soviet Union. ~Steven Huntley One might say the same thing about democratists, c. 2005.  They saw the currents of history flowing their [...]

God Forbid We Have Nuance

Yes, the Iraq turmoil often resembles a civil war, which was of course the goal of al-Qaida’s attacks on Shiite mosques and civilians. And, yes, the Iraqi leadership has failed to make the compromises vital to hopes of political reconciliation and failed to build security forces strong and competent enough to shoulder a fair share [...]

Front And Center

Many, maybe even most, Americans have come to believe that Iraq is a diversion from the war on terror, that the primary battlefield against Islamist radicals is in Afghanistan. But the “insurgents” — led by al-Qaida in Iraq — have been very clear that for them Iraq is the central front in the war against [...]

Nur Der Freiheit Gehoert Unser Leben–The Secret Libertarianism Of The Nazis! Or Is It The Secret Nazism Of The Libertarians?

Palmer is surely smart enough to know that fascism is a more complicated subject than he makes it sound. “I know John Mackey, John Mackey is a friend of mine, and he’s no fascist,” is a pretty vapid argument, to the extent it’s an argument at all. It’s even dumber as a retort to a [...]

The First Term Of An Idaafa Cannot Have Tanween

What does this mean?  First, let’s consider idaafa.  Idaafa is a construction that expresses the possessive relationship between two nouns in Arabic.  The other day I likened it to the German genitive, and the more I learn about idaafa, the more I think that this is a very good analogy.  It is a very useful way to understand this idea, at least [...]