Iraq And Afghanistan

So for politically correct reasons, we’re moving the focus of the war on terrorism to a very bad place for us. The Russians couldn’t win there. Peter the Great couldn’t win there [bold mine-DL]. Oh, but maybe the messiah can win there, ok. ~Ann Coulter Yes, there is a comparison with Vietnam, too. Of course, [...]

The Freeman Controversy

One reason that I have not had anything to say about the Chas Freeman appointment as chairman of the National Intelligence Council, which has stirred up such controversy among the usual suspects, is that I am having difficulty understanding how the chairman of the NIC suddenly became such a critical position that merits so much [...]

Foreign Policy At CPAC

In a post lamenting a dearth of ideas at CPAC, John Tabin noted that there was a foreign policy panel Friday evening, and for all of my criticism of the conference I have to say that the panel’s line-up appears unusually promising and refreshing: Doug Bandow and former Rep. Hostettler of Indiana (one of the [...]

Everywhere In Chains

One of the difficulties conservatives will have in assessing where they have gone wrong is the sometimes bizarre ideas they have of what conservatism means. For example, here is Rick Moran in an otherwise spmewhat sensible post decrying ideology and calling for self-criticism: Classic conservative principles are timeless; immutable tenets that have inspired great changes [...]


It’s gratifying to be considered relevant, but Rod is correct that it is the marginal and basically politically irrelevant status of almost all dissident and heterodox conservatives that permits us a greater degree of freedom to criticize and propose alternatives as we see fit. As Ross has observed, some of us are not necessarily aspiring [...]

Follow The Follower

Dave Weigel reminds us that delusional Palinites are still around: Conference attendees were far kinder to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, represented at CPAC by the pro-life group Team Sarah (founded by the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List after Palin was nominated as McCain’s running mate) and Draft Sarah Palin 2012. “I think that if she [...]


For the infighting to really become significant in a policy sense, you’d need some members of the House and Senate to try to put what Crist and Huntsman are talking about into practice. ~Yglesias Yes and no. This brings us back to Huntsman’s point in his Washington Times interview, which is that the Congressional GOP [...]

Russia And Kyrgyzstan

My new Week column on the U.S., Russia and Kyrgyzstan is up here.

Slums Are For Lovers?

What on earth is this? Well, it is an interview between Michael Steele and ABC Radio’s Curtis Sliwa, but beyond that I don’t know how else to describe it: SLIWA: Now, using a little bit of that street terminology, are you giving him [Jindal] any Slum love, Michael? STEELE: (laughter) SLIWA: Because he is — [...]

The Spending Freeze

Dave Weigel makes the point I have been trying to get across for at least the last month: The problem is that spending austerity is not — as it was in the early months of 1993, for example — very high on voters’ minds, or even high on the list of reasons why voters remain [...]