Ecumenical Anti-Jihad?

I’m at the Madrid airport with just a few minutes before boarding begins, but I wanted to say something about Ross’ last column and Noah Millman’s response to it. My impression is that Ross wanted to discuss Pope Benedict’s outreach to conservative Christians, whether they are tradtionalist Catholic or Anglican, and he would usually settle [...]

Is Europe Worse Off? Hardly

Obama’s handling of the policy reversal on missile defense, in particular, has drawn sharp rebukes from the region, mostly on the execution rather than the policy itself. A Polish official was quoted by United Press International proclaiming that, “Waking Czech Prime Minister Fisher at midnight European time, and calling President Lech Kaczynski and Prime Minister [...]

The GOP Is Adrift

In the short of it, President Obama’s cancellation of America’s agreements with the Polish and Czech governments was a serious blow to the hopes and aspirations of millions of Europeans. ~Dick Cheney Cheney’s recent speech at the Center for Security Policy is much what you would expect from him, but that is not what interests [...]

The Anti-Huckabee Party?

Andrew Stuttaford cites a new Rasmussen poll of Republican presidential preferences showing some sizeable support for Huckabee, and he wonders if this means that the GOP will become the “party of Huckabee.” I think this is extremely unlikely. While Huckabee was officially the second-biggest vote-getter in the primaries last year, he achieved this mostly through [...]

Pro and Anti

It is raining and overcast here in Athens (Koukaki), so I am inside this morning and thought I would check in. As I’m on vacation, I won’t be writing much over the next couple of weeks, but I did see something that I wanted to address. Philip Klein complained that National Security Advisor Jim Jones [...]


Later today I’ll be flying to Athens for a two-week visit to see my girlfriend in Greece. I may check in once or twice from the road, but I will be away most of this time. Check in at The Week to see my next couple of columns.

What If?

What if the Republicans come up with a conservative standard bearer who is smart, attractive, and dedicated to debunking Obama’s weakling foreign policy — and female? ~Jennifer Rubin Via Jack Ross I think they tried that twice last year in different ways. First there was Clinton, who received some fairly fawning admiration from Republican hawks [...]

Russia And Iran

Philip Klein asks the question that Obama’s critics were inevitably going to ask: So President Obama agreed to negotiate with the Iranians, and he agreed to abandon a missile shield in Eastern Europe. What did he get for all this good will? Bubkes, it turns out. Klein’s post is entitled, “Russia thwarts Obama on Iran,” [...]

Son Of McCain

When talk turned to probable presidential contenders, no one last night seemed to give Tim Pawlenty much of a chance. Nonetheless, it appears that Pawlenty is moving to re-assemble many members of the McCain campaign as part of his preliminary efforts in preparing a bid. This makes sense, as Pawlenty was one of the true [...]

On The Way Home

I’ll have more to say soon about the Princeton panel, which was very enjoyable. Thanks again to the Committee on Public Lectures, Prof. Wang, our moderators, Professors Kruse and Zelizer, and my fellow panelists for a good discussion. In the meantime, see the remarks by Mark Thompson of the League of Ordinary Gentlemen, who attended [...]