ICC and double standard

Is it not truly amazing how swiftly the International Criminal Court (ICC) has declared Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi and his family guilty of crimes against humanity?

It has been 10 years and more than a million lives lost in Iraq and Afghanistan, but no one has been charged by the ICC despite the fact that these were wars of aggression based on lies and fabrication, purely for the economic/strategic interests of the Western governments. How can people like former US President George W. Bush, his deputy Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair not be on the list of criminals who are guilty of crimes against humanity?

Hundreds of people have been held in Guantanamo Bay and secret CIA rendition centers without being charged.

The Operation Cast Lead killed over 1,000 Gazans, most of them women and children. We didn’t hear that the ICC was framing charges against Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak and other Israeli officials and commanders.

So, what is the criterion for being charged by the ICC? Why is it some are hauled into court in The Hague and some are on the lecture circuit or signing book deals?




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While we applaud the ICC for the swift action, on the Gaddafis,we also must deplore and condemn the decisions of the the ICC, as they are selective in their decisions and actions.As the writer quite rightly poses the question, as to what action is being taken against Bush Cheney Rumsfeld and Blair for the genocide in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Gaza.
The UN and ICC have "two sets of rules" one for Muslims and one for the rest.In short "double-standards".


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Apparently 9/11 was a peace offering then instead of a war of aggression as were all those other Islamic attacks since 1979, right Mr. Khan?

You are correct about one thing though. The US should have left dear old Saddam Hussein in power. He would have taken Kuwait and Saudi Arabia as well. Then Iran would have gotten into the war of aggression game.

Hindsight is always 20/20. ;)


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Mr. Taqi Khan is absolutely right. I appreciate his views and efforts.


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Taqi Khand view is commendable, in my view he has missed to quote US President George W. Bush, his deputy Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair sayings "Read between the lines" i.e. Proxy Crusade war against Islam and Muslim .


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@ charles : which is that one nation which is has topped body count in last 100 years ??

All in the name of 'humanity' and 'peace'. What a farce !!

USA attacked Iraq on account of WMDs rather than Saddam. Where are those WMDs dear charles?? Who has given USA to decide the fate of other nations. Its all about "might is right". isnt it ??
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