Schadefreude's comments

Jan 20th 2011 2:44 GMT

BIG Problems for Germany...Like i always said....

Spain banks going down

Greece restructuring debt...


Jan 20th 2011 2:41 GMT

BIG Problems for Germany...Like i always said....

Spain banks going down

Greece restructuring debt...


Jan 20th 2011 2:39 GMT

Doch, Doch, Doch....

Jan 20th 2011 2:34 GMT

Yes, its George Soros, evil Goldman Sachs and all the evil Wall Street Bankers who are plotting this Explosion of Epic Proportions in Europe.

For all of you who think li8ke this, please keep on smoking the crack. its your countries and banks that are ruining you. Not the US or UK or George Soros or Hedge Funds.

Another reason i left Germany, the economically deficient Germans who need an excuse to blame their own problems are finally coming to an end.


Jan 20th 2011 2:20 GMT

Germany is doomed!!!! Doch

Jan 20th 2011 2:19 GMT

BIG Problems for Germany...Like i always said....

Spain banks going down

Greece restructuring debt...


matt_us - Right, its all a secret, zionist, anglo-american conspiracy why your banks are going down. Keep reading der spiegel...

Jan 20th 2011 2:02 GMT

BIG Problems for Germany...Like i always said....

Spain banks going down

Greece restructuring debt...


Jan 19th 2011 9:38 GMT

According to die zeit and, two CREDIBLE German news sources, German banks are FINALLY going to restructure "their" debt. Not the debt "in" Greece but the debt "in" Frankfurt.

German banks are holding Trillions of worthless liabilities. The German banks are holding the EU & the Euro hostage. Now, that they realized that Greedy German Bankers who did not understand risk nor credit will have to take SIZABLE haircuts. Most likely 60%-70%. Forget Greece, because Ireland is next then Portugal, then Spain, Italy, Eastern Europe. This thing is far from over however, the real problem has FINALLY been identified where a Senior german Bankers annolunced today that the terrible German banks will have to restructure.

Its going to get nasty but the landesbanks need to be put down. They need to fail. Berlin realizes its their only solution.

Come May, there will be a political crisis. Its inevitable because the German taxpayer will pay, pay, pay..doch, doch, doch...

Es tut mir sehr leid Deustcheland...Hoch steuer bekommen. Schade

Jan 19th 2011 9:26 GMT

According to die zeit and, two CREDIBLE German news sources, German banks are FINALLY going to restructure "their" debt. Not the debt "in" Greece but the debt "in" Frankfurt.

German banks are holding Trillions of worthless liabilities. The German banks are holding the EU & the Euro hostage. Now, that they realized that Greedy German Bankers who did not understand risk nor credit will have to take SIZABLE haircuts. Most likely 60%-70%. Forget Greece, because Ireland is next then Portugal, then Spain, Italy, Eastern Europe. This thing is far from over however, the real problem has FINALLY been identified where a Senior german Bankers annolunced today that the terrible German banks will have to restructure.

Its going to get nasty but the landesbanks need to be put down. They need to fail. Berlin realizes its their only solution.

Come May, there will be a political crisis. Its inevitable because the German taxpayer will pay, pay, pay..doch, doch, doch...

Es tut mir sehr leid Deustcheland...Hoch steuer bekommen. Schade...

Jan 19th 2011 12:21 GMT


Maybe you can teach the Germans about order. Seems that the Germans need order in their life. if they dont have it, they wouldnt know what to do with themsleves. They must stay in a box and cant move to the next box unless the box they are in is checked. thats why Germany will never advance and become part of the UN security council. Because it will ALWAYS be someone elses fault and Germans can NEVER TAKE thier OWN RESPONSIBILITY. Thats why you fit in Josh, because you just have to "be" and no "do". Enjoy your road to serfdom. You will never advance you tool.

Jan 19th 2011 12:17 GMT

Josh_01Typisch hochnosisch. Moves to Germany, thinks he is an elitist therefore he must make rude comments for which he would NEVER make here on TE. So what, your from Oklahoma, who cares? You will NEVER get promoted in Germany Joshy boy. You willnever be accepted.No matter what degree they think you have, you will be a big, raging fat ZERO here back in the US. So do yourself a favour and stay because your kind is accepted there.

Jan 18th 2011 11:26 GMT

German banks are holding trillions in worthless liabilities. German banks will crash very soon if Berlin does not shut down and dissolve the landesbanks. There are so much more writedowns coming to the German Banks. The German Banks are holding the EU and the Euro hsotage. Berlin will face a political crisis of epic proportions after May when Jerkel will no longer wield power to help her banker friends. Es tut mir sehr leid. Then comes the fun part where the german taxpayer will be forced to pay either way.

1. To bail out the worthless German banking system
2. To bail out Europe

This is all on the shoulders of Germany now as German bunds are now under pressure. The cost of financing is getting much more difficult when pfandbrief is priced out of the market.

The problem is that brain drain due to the poor German educational system will force revolt and change. Only if Lebensborn returns would you see a greater Germany. Unfortunately, Thilo Sarrazin and the rest of the German racists have nothing else to complain about. Schade....

Jan 17th 2011 3:58 GMT

Wow, the defeatist talk from the German reponders has certainly taken a 180 degree turn. Just a few months ago it was divide and conquer. Now, its the end game. What is going on? No MittelsEuropa?

Jan 17th 2011 3:56 GMT

German taxpayers will pay, pay, pay...Doch, Doch, Doch....

Jan 17th 2011 3:38 GMT

Will the eagle crash land?

Doch, Doch, Doch....Genau, Stimmt, Richtig, Naturlich...

Jan 17th 2011 3:25 GMT


I am glad you aknowledge my vision and forecast. Yes, everything i have stated is coming true. It will get more interesting because the German taxpayer is going to pay through the nose in March when Karsruhle instructs the Germans to pay, pay, pay.....Liek i said....Horrors without ends...I work on a pro bono fee so if Berlin or Frankfurt needs advice, please look at my contract first. Alles schrieben...

Jan 17th 2011 3:17 GMT


You are a NESCAC lib tard who only wishes his company can take him back to Germany but he knows its the end game. He sees the writing on the wall, so thats why he is here hiding in the US, although, he wishes he could be a self absorbed German again. Too bad Josh_01. Now, you will see what your German companies do when they sh*t themselves in April. Too bad you could never get permanant residence in Germany. You really deserve to pay more taxes, so you should go back. However, you are an Amerikane so you will never get promoted, never get a raise, you must stay in your low paying wage dropping job. Schade Josh_01

Jan 16th 2011 9:50 GMT

Pumpernickel2 has provided and enlightened all of us with hos wonderful financial knowledge akin to a 2 yr old performing adult work. Lets alll give him a round of applause for his dissalusion. However, i would expect nothing more from someone in Germany.

USA...........Financially Solvent; Very Solvent with gold reserves.................68%

Britain........Financ. Insolvent; Very Insolv.even with gold reserves...............-50%!!!

Germany.....Financially Solvent; Solvent with gold reserves...........................16%

France........Slightly Fin. Insolv.;Slightly Solvent w/ gold reserves..................1%

Holland......Financ. Insolvent ; Very Insolv.even with gold reserves.................-88% !!!!!

Spain..........Slightly Fin. Insolvent;Slightly Insolv.even w/ gold reserves.........-5%

Italy........... Financially Solvent; Very Solvent with gold reserves.....................51%

Japan..........Financially Solvent; Very Solvent with gold reserves......................86%

Canada.......Financially Solvent;Very Solvent with gold reserves........................54%

Australia....Financially Solvent; No gold data.......................................................68%

Wow, he even provides ratios. I say that the ECB should hire this man schnell. Also, the World Bank shoudl use his "analysis" in their next rountable.

This is why i left Germany. Masters of idiots....

Jan 15th 2011 12:38 GMT

The horrible German Banking system is very serious. All of us in Eurination and Germany know this.

So Joe, according to your thesis, PIIGS can go through default and its still okay? You are delusional. German banks are going to get crushed soon. Stress haben.

German banks are holding TRILLIONS In worthless liabilities. They need to go bankrupt. The game is almost over soon. Schade...

Jan 15th 2011 12:34 GMT

Pom Pom said:

"The biggest problem “the eagle” has at the moment is Westerwelle. There is no way getting rid of this guy, unless somebody drowns, shoots or poisons him, he will continue to stick around and destroy his FDP Liberal party."

Pompous said over a year ago that Guido was good for Germany and he is smart. Hypocrit....Typisch....

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