America and Pakistan

Stuck with you

Stuck with you

A clash between spy agencies is boosting the ISI—but is doing Pakistan no favours(13)

Asia's talent market

Locals first

Locals first

Employment in Asian firms is booming—but for locals, not Western expats(28)

Surfing off the coast of Sweden

The chill of it all

The chill of it all

A few tough men surf the frigid waters at Torö, an island off the coast of Sweden. Daniel Månsson photographs these Vikings in wetsuits

Crops and patriotism

Status anxiety in rural America

How 'ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm?

New model metropolises

Paradises on earth

How cities will evolve

Italy and immigration

Fear of foreigners

The Italian government worries about a huge influx from north Africa

Weekly quiz

Ten questions from the current edition of The Economist, ranging in subject from the world's most overheated property market to its slowest internet access

Arctic resources

Now it's their turn

The Inuit prepare to defend their rights


Not in the pipeline

The world can cope without Libya's oil—but another supply shock could spark another oil crisis

World Book Night

Free books!

An event designed to inspire more reading in Britain

Editor's note

iPhone and iPad apps



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