Lion Heart's comments

Mar 7th 2011 7:12 GMT

July 1977 the US department of energy was created in order to make America independent from oil as energy source , today 34 years later we not only depend more from foreign oil(instead of 30% back on those days up to today with almost 70%) but we have a department with 16000 employees and a budget in the range of the 24 billion dollars a year with an extraordinary poor result in its original objective , this is the type of bureaucracy that we need to cut but we also don't want to give them automobile and the health industry. to the hands of these irresponsible and incapable politicians concern about anything but their own political positions , do we have to make cuts? or deepen our economical measurements to make bigger cuts on high political spheres

Feb 25th 2011 4:49 GMT

autocratic governments in countries with oil should be act with precaution because not all the customers would have the refinery capacity or the logistic convenience of their type of oil to be exported by them. In other words for example Mr. Chavez in Venezuela should be very cautious because his heavy oil can be refined only in two countries in the world(one is the US by the way) several factors should be considered : refinery type and capacity installed and logistic situation , Libya should be be very cautious in its steps to threat the world with its oil because not every country can refine it and not any country is a good point to refine it according to its logistic . Mexico is a good example too , back in the dark days of the brainless Echevarria claiming nationalism : "Mexico will not bring down its prices because they were a national asset" (against any free market rule) , cancellations from customers all over the world made Mexico flood in oil and force them to storage it all over the Caribbean and ship tanks stationed in several ports , with a catastrophic economic consequences for the country payed for long years .This dictators inflated by oil and economic power always commit stupid decisions blind by their egos and ignorance in must cases. The youth of this century know that it is time to change them for liberty and democracy

Feb 23rd 2011 8:25 GMT

until know the best GM results that I have seen talking about the benefit( benefit in quality not in quantity) of them is the incorporation of protein to the rice crops in China likewise in Mexico in corn crops , not so long ago the diet supplement in both countries were low in protein content just a small example being follow by must of developing countries and some westerns . Protein content taken trough our meals as pure water is the oil for human machines. We are facing a reality until today ignored for must humanitarian organizations : We are facing food shortage and we will continue like that as long as we have weather disasters , growing population, animal diseases and a significant increase on demand of the same type of meals ( because proliferation of western media , influenced audiences want to eat the same than their heroes),pizza , fried chicken etc. It worth while to try new GM to guarantee the so needed quantity per day of protein , we might face mistakes but it really worth to take the risk

Feb 18th 2011 5:13 GMT

Of course the White House does not want unpopular measurements in election times , the health care problem not only could be extremely popular but economically of a major positive impact but it has the shadow and big wall of greed not only of the medical institutions but the drug mercenaries with a good trans national name elaborating drugs to keep their customers not finding a definitive cure for the human suffering , who remembers now the swine flu and its armagedon consequence? it is nothing else but an elaborating orchestra to threat the world in the benefit of those sacred profits in the name of world health. Washington has to eliminate lobbies of any kind that are nothing else that "braveries" to politicians and put to work the tools or better jet the health reform that I agree was not the best and with errors from the start but at least is that, a so needed road to healthier economy.The health system is and economical terminal disease that we still have the time to cure

Jan 26th 2011 4:31 GMT

Finland president was interviewed about why this country is always with statistics on top of the countries and she answer "I am going to give you three secrets: education,education and education" and the interviewer insisted but education how? I am going to give another three secrets : teachers ,teachers, teachers. In Finland just to apply for the teaching noble career, you have to be one of the top 10% of your class . Must of the times to be an elementary school teacher you have to have more than a college degree . Is not just the education but the quality of education which reflects a civil behavior not only for driving but for the quality of life itself .Cameras or not cameras to me is the consequence of the real problem .Quality on education generating better citizens will improve any stat about civil behavior

Jan 18th 2011 4:46 GMT

Haiti is a good example of Latin American politics what is the alternative for those countries?, a strong right wing dictator or a populist communist party , popular and equally with dictatorship procedures with Cuba's school of perpetuation .Political parties or individual egos demolishing democracies.They have to learn the US balance of power, the consequences of democracy and freedom , there is no structure in Haiti not political , not economical they need a strong man a national leader as must Latin countries do. Duvalier is far from being that alternative , his ancestral past has given him already a place with despotic oppressors . I guess our generation , this generation have to leave with this lack of politicians .Lord Byron use to say "politicians as diapers should be changed very often and must of the times for the same reason".

Jan 13th 2011 4:24 GMT

The drug problem should be seen as an integral problem. Is the drug problem only a Mexican problem? the drug is not kept by itself?,distributes alone in the US?collects the money alone?were are all the US drug lords? were do the Mexicans cartels get the weapons from? a drug cartel without weapons is worthless and without power, three flows should controlled: money,weapons and of course drugs in both sides, but both sides should work together otherwise whatever effort is done in one side there will be always a hole that will let the things come trough and the USA should track down also its drug lords



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