Jeepers's comments

Mar 9th 2011 9:12 GMT

hedgefundguy - just what I was thinking. I'd be thinking about a name change if I were them.

Jan 24th 2011 3:23 GMT

I arrive 1 hr and a half early and usually leave a generous margin for getting to the airport. The downside of getting there early is you hand around in the airport. The downside of getting there late is either a missed flight or a frantic run through the airport - which I hate.

Dec 7th 2010 9:26 GMT

@KevinDCA737: The footage is from the TSA's own CCTV footage, which they sent to the woman after a number of requests. Even then they sent it with 30 minutes of footage missing.

This woman's experience was certainly more than a hassle, bother or annoyance although you'd like to think it is also exceptional.

We’d better organise a posse

Nov 6th 2010 10:48 GMT

Germanambassador wrote:

"Being deeply disliked in Europe and by its neighbour countries, Germany has no alternative but to look for new partners where they are more welcome as they were in Europe for the last century."

I really don't know where a German ambassedor gets that rediculous idea. I have yet tomeet anyone who deeply dislikes Germany.I don't think The russians, the chinese, the Brazilians or the Indians "like" Germany more than other EU countries. All countries try to protect their commercial interests and the fact is that while Germany's EU partners admire the German economic model they also try to avoid their industry being wiped out. China, Brazil, India and Russia will behave the same way. They will limit foreign ownership in national companies and protect strategic interests. Germanies interests and future are firmly in the EU.

Nov 6th 2010 10:28 GMT

It seems clear from the issues raised in this article that their should be a single set of tax and socialsecurity rules set for EU transnational workers. The rules would be set at Union levels and the taxes would be paid in the country where the employee recievss its services (health care, education etc). One cannot talk about tax levels and social security costs without relating it to the services received. Where are the cabincrew and pilots living? Where do their kids goto school? where do they get their health care?

Sep 6th 2010 10:34 GMT

Is that a sweat patch I spy at 00:34 seconds?

@Will Ross - at which airport do you get groped "in" the genitals? And do you have to be a platinum club member or is it available to anyone?

Jul 5th 2010 11:03 GMT

@Saskatoon Mark

In many companies it is policy to fly business class for flights longer than a given duration, so there are lots of employees who fly business class even if they are not themselves personally affluent. I am a case in point.

You also say: "Where a company directs employees to a particular travel agent, such travel agents typically book everyone at full fare to maximize the commission."

This isn't true either. Most airlines don't pay commission based on total ticket value. They pay what are called "overrides" which is a bonus based on either simple volume (i.e. number of bookings) or, in more complex cases it can be based on a market share. Either way it does not give the travel agent any incentive to book full fare. Indeed, the corporate travel agency at my company will happily book me onto a low-cost carrier.

May 27th 2010 1:49 GMT

Upgrade to QB Plus! Now with life-like detachable moustache.

MB Moon: If you are right, and we are running out of common sense, I fear your post has done nothing to stem the flow.

foobarista: your cynicism suggests you need the moustache of understanding

Oct 6th 2009 4:54 GMT

Mr Parsons is supported by the literature on this.

When an Israeli daycare centre began to fine parents who turned up late to pick up their children, the parents treated the fine as a fee and turned up late more - not less - often.

See a a summary here (scroll down to the book excerpt)



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