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The fate of Lucie Blackman

Richard Lloyd Parry on Japanese justice

Mar 1st 2011, 18:53 by The Economist online

The Tokyo correspondent for the Times discusses his book about the brutal murder of a young British woman in Japan

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KingAfrica wrote:
Mar 2nd 2011 3:57 GMT

Though the murder of anybody, even if it is a British prostitute, is a condemnable act, it should not be treated like a world class special case as only because she was a young attractive white british subject. There are plenty of non-white women in the world who are brutally raped and murdered and no books or special treatment is given to them. If anything, the trade Ms. Blackman was involved in, especially in a far away foreign country with a different culture, was apt to possibly lead her to the unfortunate end she experienced. Again, the murder Joji Obara, deserved and got a life sentence for his crimes, but he is not the only one in existence. Too many young people foolishly believe the world is theirs to gain and due to their American or British citizenship, that they are immune from harm in a foreign country, even if they engage in illegal sexual acts, like the unfortunate Ms. Blackman.

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