Editorial: It’s time to act

When people are being killed in Libya, the world cannot afford to be silent

The GCC and the head of the IOC have added their voices to those calling for a no-fly zone over Libya.

It is not clear to what extent a no-fly zone will serve as protection. As we pointed out previously, no-fly zones did not protect northern and southern Iraq from Saddam Hussein’s attacks. In Libya, the attacks on Zawiyah and Misrata have been carried out largely by ground forces. A no-fly zone will not end them.

Even so, a no-fly zone would provide some protection for Libyan civilians who are the main victims of Qaddafi’s onslaught. Despite concerns about its efficacy, we at Arab News join with those calling for it. In fact we have been calling for far more from almost the outset of the uprising, for we have no doubt that the overwhelming bulk of Libyans support that uprising. The opposition must therefore be given all the help it requires to rid the country of its brutal regime.

But what about the legality of a no-fly zone?

Clearly, a UN resolution would provide it. However, the likelihood of that, let alone it happening in the next couple of weeks, is remote.

But it does not necessarily need a UN resolution. A request from the Arab League would also provide legitimacy. That could happen on Saturday when Arab foreign ministers meet in Cairo to discuss Libya. This is a historic moment for the organization. If it dithers or delays, as it has so often before, it will lose what little credibility it has left. If it cannot stand up for justice when fellow Arabs are being killed by a brutal regime, then it will stand condemned as callous and superfluous.

There are still other alternatives. The Benghazi-based Transitional National Council could, if it were the legitimate government of Libya, invite any country to help it fight Qaddafi’s forces. Tunisia, for example, had — still has — an agreement with France that if it were threatened externally or internally, French forces would come to its aid if requested.

So how does the TNC become the legitimate government of Libya. Simply by recognition. If other states recognize it as the government of Libya, it becomes the legitimate government of Libya, at least under their laws. They can then legally respond to its requests. That may seem open to exploitation but that is how the law works.

There is one last legitimacy. In many eyes, the moral case to intervene is overwhelming. When people are being killed, what moral legitimacy is there to stand by and do nothing? To do so simply because legal instruments are not in place is the excuse of the scoundrel.

When NATO bombed Belgrade in 1999 during the Kosovo war, there was no UN mandate. NATO acted unilaterally. The result was Yugoslav withdrawal from Kosovo. At the time no one, other than the Yugoslavs and their supporters, questioned the rightness of that intervention.

The US says that for a non-fly zone to work, Libya’s air defenses have to be taken out. That is not true and it reflects the Washington’s new timidity in intervening elsewhere without UN authority.

So let the Americans stay out of Libya. Others, such as the Europeans, are quite capable of enforcing a no fly zone. But that must happen — and it must happen within the next three or four days.



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Why NATO and U.S. don't object in case of Palestine in SAME WAY?. Are NATO and U.S having double standards or hypo?


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Hi Editor,

Sometime ago you wrote on killings of non-Muslims in Pakistan, I want to divert your attention towards the Pakistani government's crimes against MUSLIMS.

Please write something about it too - as an evidence please watch this video (please please have a look at this at least once)


You have a responsibility of exposing truth. These brothers need our help!


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Such lame response by the GCC - The No Fly Zone was not even their own idea to begin with, it was an American fore thought. It is a shame the GCC are content with their Ruz Buqaari and Kabsa to do anything about this.

Have some shame GCC leaders - people are dying and all you are doing is adding voice to the cry. Like it is going to help - We need action, use those billion dollars you spent on weapons to help.

If you don't take a stand now, remember someone else will and then don't cry if they loot the resources of the host country as a price for liberation!


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I love the part where the writer mentioned, let the American's stay out of Libya. As an American Muslim, I am tired of Muslims calling America Invaders when we try to help (Iraq is not what i am referring to, Iraq was a mistake). However, if it wasn't for America, thousands of Bosnian's would be dead now. No one stepped up. But we do not get any credit for it. I want to see, if Arabs have the gutts to stand up to one of it's own bully. I want to see who will help the Muslims if not America. Arabs are only brave when it comes to complaining about how the AC is not working, but when your people are killing your brother, no one wants to say a word. May Allah help us all if America doesn't intervene. Think about this last statement before you respond.


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good comment @Mohammed Ali. And the answer for your question is that Israel is the master of U.S , so we cannot expect anything from anyone in favour of palestine. I don't know how and who will solve the problem of Palestine. But I pray Allah to give them (palestine) a strength and a patience. May Allah help us and guide us the true path (Sirat-ul-mustaqeem). And I also pray for Americans, May Allah show them the way of Islam. (Ameen)
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