Editorial: The main principle

Good relations mean one country does not interfere in the other’s internal affairs

It is perfectly legitimate for one government to tell another about its political principles. It is wholly acceptable for it to express the hope that those principles be embraced. But to go beyond that — to demand that its principles be accepted — is an outrageous interference in the other state’s sovereignty and freedom. That is what the US has done. On Tuesday, the US State Department declared that Saudi Arabia had to permit protests.

“The United States supports a set of universal rights, including the right to peaceful assembly and to freedom of expression,” said the State Department. “Those rights must be respected everywhere, including Saudi Arabia.”

Note the use of the word “must.” President Barack Obama thinks he can lay down the law to Saudi Arabia.

Washington’s behavior is insulting and can only exacerbate the already strong anti-American sentiments in the Kingdom. We are not talking about anti-American views among officials. On the contrary, they are trying their hardest to keep Saudi-US relations on an even keel. We are talking about the anti-Americanism of the mass of the Saudi population which sees the US as a champion not of justice but of injustice. How else can it be when the US constantly funds Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and protects it from international criticism?

In yesterday’s speech from Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal, the US has had its answer. Do not tell us how to run our country. We are not going to be ordered around by you or anyone. Public protests are banned in Saudi Arabia; that is the law.

Good relations between nations are built on respect, not diktat. Saudi Arabia has principles too — Islamic principles. But it does not tell the US that it “must” accept and implement them. We do not tell Americans how to run their country.

Washington’s blundering approach to Saudi Arabia is part and parcel of an even great political failure. Its Middle East policies have never been more disorganized or illogical. Rather than clear-cut policy, the Obama administration has taken refuge in political correctness.

That is seen in its incomprehensible stand on Libya. On the one hand, there is strong White House rhetoric in support of the Libyan opposition, now at the mercy of Qaddafi’s tanks and aircraft. On the other, there is Hilary Clinton’s pronouncement two day’s ago effectively telling the Libyans that they will have to fight their battles themselves; they cannot count on American help. That conclusion is reinforced with her statement that any decision for a no-fly zone will have to come from the UN. She knows that is not true. A request from the Arab League would be just as legitimate. So too would one from the Benghazi-based Transitional National Council if it were recognized as the government of Libya by the countries providing the air cover. In fact, it has made that very request. But that is ignored. Washington has opted instead for political correctness despite knowing that a UN decision is fraught with difficulties and that by the time one is agreed — if it is agreed — Qaddafi’s planes may have blitzed the opposition into oblivion.

The call for protests to be permitted in Saudi Arabia is part of that same confused political correctness. No good will come from it. What is needed is decisive thinking. But it is not there.



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This reminds me that Reagan called Gaddafi a MAD DOG.
But atleast Gaddafi did not create chaos and huge loss of civil life as the US in other countries.
The US it seems is the bigger MAD DOG.


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I must appreciate the message given by the SAUDI GOVERNMENT to US Let U.S 'MIND ON YOUR OWN BUSINESS'


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I am sorry but the Arab street now knows that the Saudi Kingdom is very much part of the US policies in the Middle East. It is the major part in the United States' foreign, economic AND Israel policy. Gone are the days that the masses believe every word uttered . This the information age, where people have access to INFORMATION and lets them decide based on FACTS rather than listen to a decision made by a Prince, King or even a President.


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There are seven major garden estates as minors still come from within major,
That from withoutside major should not tress pass within another major,
Arab has many minor gardens within its major borders held GDP ratings,
systems that seven major kinds of fundabilities would have served justice as kindly and TRUTHFULLY,
Africa is one whole major garden as North America is one whole major garden account as south America is one whole major garden account,
as Asia is one whole major garden account,
as Australia most distinct major garden account,
Europe is above Arab and Asia,
so how many kinds of fundabilities did they grow upon Earth?
Vastly more than required makes jumbo complex figurings,
Easy route was the better route than most complex route!
Adjustments of benefits = wisdom
adjustments of subtracting benefits = ignorancy might catch up some day?
Directorship was only towards wisdom !


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No country should be telling any other country what to do. That is very true.

Unless, of course, that country has an unparalleled and long history of perfect human rights, environmental action, charity to impoverished people with effective governance and justice for citizens - which no country on earth can yet claim!

No, not even the U.S.A. can claim that.

When two-thirds of the earth's population are living on less than $2.00 per day no country has any moral right to be finger-pointing at any other country.

May God's light illuminate your path.

John Brian Shannon


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I think its time that Saudi Leaders should learn there lesson which is "don't ever trust America". Its time to take Saudi's billions of dollars out of American Banks. Obama has used this dirty trick to hide behind words. the real motive is to create chaos in Kingdom and then intervene and take over Oil reserves. Saudi leaders also take a look all those "friends" of America like Mubarak, Shah of Iran, Marcos, Baby Doc, Saddam, and many many more. Fact is America is never anybody's friend.


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Universal to bomb Iraqi oil fields in desertstorm encounter not forgotten,
lawful came by RIGHT of words of wisdom,
junior Bush declared that if a RIGHT was to be taken a FIGHT by fisty was required?
Twisted accountant stood upon LEFTY,
For right to right no fight was ever required !
RIGHT to RIGHT stood Harmony and Harmony,
Left to Right stood disharmony stance of Bush junior Lefty = criminal,
even admits his choosen stance,
senior Bush also stood upon lefty,
poor public accountannces ushered up upon leadership values,
money bought criminal behaviors granting immunity blanket ?
Money is not more valueable than the slaves deeds of work,
supporting criminal behaviors,
broke civil servant oath pledge,
was to keep peace,
criminals took it farther than keeping peace,
granting excuses for wealthy contenders in criminal immunity blanket,
Honorable table not in need of criminal immunity blanket purchase price,
unpaid blood money and crimes,
can these afford the criminal immunity blanket?
No they can not afford its purchase price indexes,
and keeps the slaves in tortureous conditions far from sightly conditions!
Tortured slaves can not speak freely,
due to more torture sessions !
No gitmo detention from senior Bush cronies ?
Junior Bush cronies invented torture sessions !


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Dear Editor in Chief, As a patriotic American, an old Cold Warrior in the struggle against atheistic Communism, and former Editor of EAST EUROPE Magazine, I must sadly state that I totally agree with your Editorial: The Main Principle. The United States has absolutely no right to tell the sovereign Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that it MUST do anything. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the target of a sinister not so Cold war being waged by deviant violent religious fanatics in tandem with their tacit allies among atheistic Communist ideologues and their traditional fellow traveler types. I would like to remind our US President that in my own lifetime before the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 hundreds of thousands of naive American isolationists demonstrated against FDRs aid to the besieged United Kingdom. Once we were attacked on that Day that will Live in Infamy public demonstrations that could be disruptive to public order were no lomger permitted in the US. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia faces the necessity of defending itself from a plethora of covert and overt enemies, both domestic and foreign, often misusing the ideals of imprudent over anxious intellectual reformers. I am very sad to say that the US Administration in World War II incarcerated most of our Japanese American ethnic group, something that would never be done by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Of course, I favor prudent modernization everywhere, but I certainly don't favor rowdy public behavior in a civilized country such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or any kind of dictation from abroad, for they are both very counter-productive to the path of incremental prudent representative government modernization. I am always loyal to every US Commander-in-Chief, but I fervently wish that my President Obama would listen to his own spiritual intuition and not to the canned so-called politically correct advice of some of his Administrations advisers. God bless the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Jon Speller, New York NY USA


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I fully agree with the last line, the need for "decisive thinking"
Our country is like someone trying to hang on with one hand to a centuries old definition of sublime, symbolic expression while the other hand is grasping on to the present, moving constantly towards the future. The divide is constantly widening and the fall into the abyss beckoning.


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America is a hypocrite. The biggest hypocrite. And also a failure in so many aspects.


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A government that does not allow itself to be criticised is a despotism. No matter how benevolent the despotism appears, it is still a despotism. And even a despot eventually discovers that he too rules only at the sufferance of the governed...one way or another!


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While US is concerned about the human rights condition of other countries, they are forgetting about their own human rights records. Yanks are still debating what to do with innocent detainees in Guantanamo Bay. Keep in mind that majority of the detainees in Guantanamo where innocent. Very few were charged with any crimes.

Many states in US such as Wisconsin are about to ban rights of employees to organize. While US states are denying the basic human rights, they are pointing their finger at others.

It is very obvious that these days US and Iran are partners in trying to destabilize Gulf Countries. This new found partnership in short term might create some chaos in Arab world. But in the long term it is not good for any one including Iran.


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The U S (Pentagon/Washington) and its faithful allies in The West are only determined to preserving their interests only - O I L. If Saudi Arabia, and the Oil Exporters in the region were growers/exporters of cauliflowers, cabbages and brussel sprouts, The "Civilised and Democratic" West wouldn't give a damn. Would they?
It's AIPAC (America Israel Public Affairs Committee) talking through Barack Obama and Hilarty Clinton, hence the Neo-Conservatives are dominated by the Zionists, who are the actual decision makers in Pentagon/Washington.
They know, The Muslims know, of the deep divide among the latters. Isn't it
high time for The Muslims to
respond to The Holy Qur'an for Unity, One Ummah, One Ummah Only, to
sorting out the Malaise, the Internecine, the Decay, and to finding out of the best way towards the socio-economic, indeed the political wellbeing of
The Muslims, and beyond. Therefore, The Arab League and the OIC must
work together towards finding the path for an UMMATIC WAY of settling differences; a force to be reckoned with and respected in our Global Village.
We're in the 21st Century, I find it incomprehensible, that The Muslims are still
divided into TWO CAMPS - The Sunnis and The Shi'ites, whereas The Holy Qur'an calls for ONE UMMAH, and to obey ALLAH, to fear HIM, and not to fear
Man; The Muslims are further divided according to various School of Thoughts. The Holy Qur'an calls for EDUCATION - 'ILM - that's the path The
Muslims must take towards a genuine ISLAMIC AWAKENING.
Either The Muslims accept, whloleheartedly, The Holy Qur'an Message, or
reject it, pure and simple, besides ALLAH has vouched in The Holy Qur'an that HIS Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is an Excellent Example.
PEACE, is a word from A LORD, Most Merciful


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I am not surprised by Mr. Obama and his administration, as long as it fits their economical interest of american companies they are all out to get it for them. Look back at Irak. They where very quick in interfering in Egypt but forgot Mr. Mubarak was their Buddy and closest partner for the past 30 years, why only now and never before. It is unfortunate the US can not be a dependable Partner as it does not look at the Arab Nations as equal Partners, because they don't have much of a a lobby in Washington. Saudi Arabia has come a long way and with the wisdom and guidance of King Abdullah Saudi Arabia will prosper and develop in all fields for the benefit of everyone living there.


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The U S (Pentagon/Washington) and its faithful allies in The West are only determined to preserving their interests only - O I L. If Saudi Arabia, and the Oil Exporters in the region were growers/exporters of cauliflowers, cabbages and brussel sprouts, The "Civilised and Democratic" West wouldn't give a damn. Would they?
It's AIPAC (America Israel Public Affairs Committee) talking through Barack Obama and Hilarty Clinton, hence the Neo-Conservatives are dominated by the Zionists, who are the actual decision makers in Pentagon/Washington.
They know, The Muslims know, of the deep divide among the latters. Isn't it
high time for The Muslims to
respond to The Holy Qur'an for Unity, One Ummah, One Ummah Only, to
sorting out the Malaise, the Internecine, the Decay, and to finding out of the best way towards the socio-economic, indeed the political wellbeing of
The Muslims, and beyond. Therefore, The Arab League and the OIC must
work together towards finding the path for an UMMATIC WAY of settling differences; a force to be reckoned with and respected in our Global Village.
We're in the 21st Century, I find it incomprehensible, that The Muslims are still
divided into TWO CAMPS - The Sunnis and The Shi'ites, whereas The Holy Qur'an calls for ONE UMMAH, and to obey ALLAH, to fear HIM, and not to fear
Man; The Muslims are further divided according to various School of Thoughts. The Holy Qur'an calls for EDUCATION - 'ILM - that's the path The
Muslims must take towards a genuine ISLAMIC AWAKENING.
Either The Muslims accept, whloleheartedly, The Holy Qur'an Message, or
reject it, pure and simple, besides ALLAH has vouched in The Holy Qur'an that HIS Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is an Excellent Example.
PEACE, is a word from A LORD, most Merciful


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Editor, you are not telling the full story here.In civilised society peoples have the right to air their misconceptions as to how they are governed.It is called
DEMOCRACY.The point of the USA was that, if the citizens of a country are oppressed by and autocratic government,then the citizens should be allowed to protest.No government has told or instructed the peoples to protest.


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I think your editorial illustrates your double standard when it comes to the current unrest in Libya and Saudi Arabia. On the one hand, Arab News whole-heatedly endorses an intervention by the West in Libya's internal affairs. And on the other hand, you condemn when the same western governments tell your country to allow peaceful demonstrations.


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What more muslims need to realize WHO IS WHO and WHAT IS WHAT? Our youth is being manipulated by western media; our leaders have been manipulated by western governments who make sure that muslims never get united. It is guaranteed that NO "positive" change in muslim world can result from protests and voilence as Prophet PBUH explained that all our misfortunes are results of disobedience of ALLAH SWT. Unless muslims repent and follow Islam in everything nothing will change - protests can overthrow government but another corrupt government will take its place. No method is more effective than the one prescribed by the beloved Prophet PBUH - I request all muslims to stop wandering here and there using the ways of infidels to change their live - adopt the the method of Islam and 100% POSITIVE CHANGE is guaranteed - Repent for Change.


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remove human rights.. then you dont have problem with it. simple as that.


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I regret to note that most people, who have made comments do not understand Libya under Gaddafi and Saudi Arabia,which is home to the Two most Sacred Places in Islam.a country which is ruled by the Shariah
We Muslims, while admitting that everything may not be done correctly in Saudi Arabia, it is the Land of Tawheed. To a true Muslim this is what matters and what will matter when he stands before Allah.I pray that Allah protects our Holy Places which are his "Signs"..
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Protection from whom?

Yes, the answer is being born and raised in a culture that treats boys and girls, men and women

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